Breeding Discus


Jun 14, 2011
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Hi, I plan on keeping a journal on how my efforts at breeding discus are going. I got the idea from Devotedtodiscus when he made his blog. His blog can be found at . I encourage everyone to check his blog out. Ive used many of the pointers ive learned form comments in his blog.

So i got into keeping discus about 3 years ago. And about a year ago i thought about how cool it would be to breed discus. My first setup was a 28 gallon bow front aquarium. I had 2 blur turquoise discus,a red Marlboro, and a blue cobalt. I had not started my breeding efforts yet because i was saving for my 55 gallon aquarium so i could get more discus, and so i could let them pair off. But i guess my pair just couldn't wait because about a month before i got the 55 i found out that my red Marlboro and blue cobalt were a pair.

So as time passed the pair started to get better. Soon i had the 55 up and running and about a month after it was setup my pair spawned again. This time they had wriggler. But soon after the fry hatched the pair ate the babies. i was crushed but i knew that it was just natures way of having the discus get experience. So i set up my old 28 gallon to breed them in. But for some reason the eggs were not being fertilized. So i put the pair back into the 55 gallon. and i started to think about selling the male (thinking he was infertile). But then the pair spawned again and had even more wrigglers. My faith had been restored.

Soon i invested in an R/O unit and i also started to run peat in my filter. And as i made these adjustments i learned that the water being clean and soft was actually making a drastic difference. And about a month ago i saw that my discus had started to look like they were ready to breed again. But i had already sold my 28 gallon. So i did a water change and they spawned. only this time they only lost about 5 eggs. I was so excited. I put in a separator and the discus raised the wrigglers for about a day or so, but then ate them.

And now about a week ago the pair started to look like they were ready to breed again. So i did a large water change and they spawned again (still in the 55). I was lucky enough to catch this spawn on video to.

And then 2 days later they had about 30-50 wrigglers.

And now they still have about 30-40 wrigglers left.

So now we are up to the current events. i hope to set up a new 29 gallon next week. i plan to try in breed the pair in a bare bottom tank with a bubble filter. i just thought i would post my mistakes for other potential breeder to learn from.

And here are some photos of the latest spawn.




Fry should be free swimming today if the parents do not eat them :) crossing my fingers lol
Just came home to find the first freeswummers :-D video will be posted later or you can check out my youtube channel. my channel name is mark2109111
happy days I shall look forward to checking thsi journal as a big lover of discus

They look very happy and look at that plec just by the eggs :) :good:
Oh awesome! :hyper:

:crazy: :blink: Did we see dad eat one? lol
no lol mom just took the fry into her mouth to put the fry back on the spawning site :)

happy days I shall look forward to checking thsi journal as a big lover of discus

They look very happy and look at that plec just by the eggs :) :good:
thanks !! I dont think any fry will survive this time as they are in my main tank. But i plan on setting them up a 29 gallon breeding tank next week.
Congratulations. Fingers crossed they go all the way, keep us updated
Thanks !!! I read your blog and i plan to use some of your advice from the blog once i set up a separate breeding tank. I will hopefully set up a 29 gallon on either sunday or monday. Sadly there are only about 5 fry left as they keep dissapearing into the plants. But i hope thwm being in a separate tank will help.
Thanks, Mark

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