Fish Crazy
Now I'm talking about years ago here... when I kept Goldfish as a kid in a plastic ten gallon tank with gordie-coloured gravel, no filter and a ceramic 'Gone Fishing' oranament... but this was when I started seeing the new concept that was bow-fronted tanks. I loved the way they looked. But when I looked into them a bit later on (after I'd givien up with Goldfish and just after I'd got this new-fangled internet thingie) I kept reading about how people thought they were a bad idea 'cause they said they upset the Fish. Explaining that the warped and distorted view of the outside world upset and confused them about what they were seeing. The same was said about Fish bowls 'cause they were round, although we now know there's more to it than just the shape of them. So I didn't really give bow-fronts much thought after that, assuming that this was right. After all it did seem to make sense.
But I see now that lots of people have them and I was just wondering if this initial theory was wrong? Do they not upset the Fish or confuse them? Do the Fish not seem to mind at all? Has anyone had any issues with this?
Is just curious about what the updated view was about them really.
But I see now that lots of people have them and I was just wondering if this initial theory was wrong? Do they not upset the Fish or confuse them? Do the Fish not seem to mind at all? Has anyone had any issues with this?
Is just curious about what the updated view was about them really.