Bought A New Tank! Bargain!


Fish Aficionado
Jan 29, 2012
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HellooooO!!!! Well I've just made one depressing post about my fish having finrot and now I've got my good news which is that today I bought a Juwel Rio 180!!! Wooo!

I think I got a really good deal on this one as it's fully planted and has black sand for substrate which I would have been buying anyway! It also comes with the Juwel stand all for £100!

I have a few questions though. This tank looks to be the victim of a breakup and the person who got the house got the tank but knows very little about the tank haha. So, would you guys have a go a identifying the plants from this picture please? She said that the plants grow like mad and she's got to cut them back all the time. From the picture they do look quite healthy.


Also I asked what kind of sand they used. She wasn't able to tell me but said that they bought it from their LFS for £11 per small bag. Now in the picture it looks "black black" like Caribsea - but what do you guys think? £11 is pretty cheap for Caribsea Tahitian Moon. I'm not so wild on the black sand that looks kinda grey so if it's that stuff I'll prob change it or at least mix it w/Tahitian Moon.

The tank came with fish too but I told her I didn't want them soooo I hope they are OK! (she couldn't name what all of the fish were either, doh!)

Last question is regarding replacing the internal filter with an external one. I was thinking I'd go for the TetraTec EX700 - is that going to have all the "umph" I need?

Gratz on the tank. Can't help with plant id as on phone so pic is small. What fish were they? Might go with the stocking plan you had in mind
Looks like a good bargain! Can't really help you on the plants, but that internal does look bulky and I'd get an external too but I'd go for the ex 1200 vs 700 so you've got 6.7ish times turnover per hour vs <4 per hour. :good:
I run an external alongside the internal just for backup in case one fails, but if u want to remove the internal and just have external I would go for more powerful than the ex700.
Thanks for the responses guys :)

Na I checked on the fish stock and of the ones she could name they didn't go along with my planned stocking unfortunately.

Yeah the internal is pretty offensive to me lol - it's gotta go! That's two of you said I should go for the bigger external so yeah maybe I'll do that - doh, more cash monies gone!
I would say you would be best to go with an EX1200 on that size tank :good:
I hope you realise you are infected now with MTS. There is no 'real' cure. Welcome to the club.
no no no (does she protest too much?) the 48L is GOING! It'll nearly pay for my new external haha

Sorry one more question. The seller has asked me what to do with the plants for collection. Seeing as I've never had live plants before I have no idea! She asked if she should just drain the water but leave the plants in the sand (god it's going to weigh a ton!), so she's clearly not planning on cleaning it out, oh well. Or is she better to remove the plants enitrely? If so, how should they be "parcelled"?
Just put all the plants in a bucket of the tank water, then replant them when you set the tank up :good:

This way you can arrange the plants the way you want them.
I just don't fancy driving an hour down the road with a bucket of tank water sloshing about in me car! Or am I missing something? :p

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