Bottom Of Page 2 New Pix Of Boys, Sorority Pics Pg 2, Boys Pg 1

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Yes, liz, if you are color blind....

OK! You asked for it:

The dorms:

There are 3 boys and a girly in the dorms. The girly has been treated for something bacterial which appears to have been a successful treatment. But I want to treat her again before I return her to the sorority. Her pict will not be in this group because it did not show her colors acurately.


My only VT: HubaHuba He is pink, young, and a pretty boy in the making:

Bubbles anyone?

HubaHuba's fin rot treatment appears to have been a success. His second round started Thursday.

The Red Dragon: His pics are not as clear and he is still shy



The Mustard Gas: He is all boy and a show off. He is going to like the camera.




Quasi is still doing well in his bowl. He flared at me the other day after he had spent a day next to Red Dragon's tank. His picture later.

Next the Sorority
Your bettas are awesome! Your HubbaHubba looks just like my Jelly Bean! Kinda hard to make out the red dragon... but he looks very handsome. Your MG is amazing and unique! I love the green mottled look on his head.
they are all beautiful and the water is so clean and sparkly! Have you been cleaning the glass!! I dont clean glass either in tanks or windows.... :shout: :shout:
Wow! I've never seen a MG like your little boy! He's soooo green! :hyper:
Well actually he isn't green he is a blue/mustard. His mustard is very mustardy lol

I will try again later with the beanie boxes. The HubaHuba is really pink/rose with no red, and the RD is red with the silver cover. It is the silver overcoat that makes him so hard to photo. It reflects the light so much.

I'm sorry the pics aren't good. I will try again with the next water change.

No, liz, all the tanks have been bleached and scrubbed and no glass--acrylic.

All three of them have shown their beards now. lol Little whipper snappers! HubaHuba is guarding his bubbles as is RD. My little men!
Well, these aren't much better than the last ones, but this is the sorority/dwarf pets/albino LF BN.

It is more about the look of the tanks than the girls or the individual fish. The pics aren't stunning, but there has been interest in the dynamics of Sorority tanks. The plecs are very young and little and don't have any pics in this array. The shots were taken quickly from across the room.

(Just another excuse for the lack of yellow color on the Mustard. His tank lights are 50/50 and yellow+blue=green. :rolleyes: )

The sorority (by the way so far the dwarf pets are working better than any other tank mates I have had in a sorority):








It is a 25 usg SystemII type acrylic tank. There are 5 girls of different colors. (There is a 6th in quarantine.) There are 8 dwarf petrocola Synodonitis Catfish and 2 LF albino Plecs.
Great pictures! Glad you posted them. I, too, thought your new boy was green..... that would be an amazing color.... I've never seen it.
Meet Mr. Quasimodo, the Hunchback, a gift from Synirr. He is all that!






I got his first flare after he spent a week next to the Red Dragon. He is a little miffed at me that I moved his bowl back to the table and away from the boys' tanks. He didn't eat or talk to me for a day. I am tryinf to figure a way to get him near the action. I might be able to figure a way to get him in sight of the sorority. :hyper: :hyper: :hyper:

New pix of HubaHuba, my PetCo Pretty Boy



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