Blue Ram With Swollen Eye


New Member
Aug 3, 2012
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ive just got back from holiday and noticed that my blue ram has a swollen eye on its right side. ive also noticed that it looks to maybe have the start of fin rot on one of its fins. could these two things have anything in common?
dont know if its ok to then keep the fish in the tank or if i could contaminate the other fish with either of these two symptoms.
any advice would be greatfully welcome

The swollen eye could be popeye and it could be linked to the fin rot as both can be caused by bacterial infections.

Here's an article that might help you:

How long did you go on holiday for? You might be due for a water change so I would start with that
I would move the ram to a hospital tank of 5-10 gallons. Set it up bare, with 50% display tank water 50% new. Add a heater, airstone and something to provide shelter, lengths of pvc pipe work well. Medicate with a good fish antibiotic, and test water daily for ammonia and nitrites.
The reason I have omitted the filter, is the antibiotics will just wipe out the bacteria anyways.

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