Blue Gambusia?


New Member
Mar 15, 2004
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I need some info on this fish picked it up(Wal-Mart) when i was visiting my dad and seeing how good he was taking care of the fish ^_^( Tanks are cleaner then mine and amazingly no dead fish!(And i get tips when weird and newfish come in ^_^) Need info on this fish.
:wub: :p This things a frisky little boy trying to breed with my dainos a baby swordtail and some female guppys :lol:
The gumbosia? ( I think thats how u spell it ) Is a fish whos diet is mostly mosquitos in mexico we need those a lot for the mosqutio control.
They are much like guppies. They eat mosquito larvae and like the same water conditions as other live bearers. They live wild here in Australia as they were introduced to control mosquitos but now they're a pest. They are very hardy and breed almost as prolifically as guppies. :D

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