Blue Acara


Fish Fanatic
Feb 25, 2011
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Hi everyone was just wondering what you fish keepers thought about the blue acara cichlid?
They are a nice medium sized, generally mild tempered Central American Cichlid. They can stick up for themselves though if pushed. Adults normally exhibit very nice colouration. Just be careful that you do not accidentally get a Green Terror, as they are easily confused in juvenlie form. What are your plans?
Also, there is a hybrid of a Blue Acara and Green Terror that is commonly available.
Try and avoid those too.
A beautifull and relatively mild mannered Central American Cichlid. I had one and he was about 3" when i got rid of him, he had beautifull blue hues to him with a glittery shimmer when the light caught him well. I kept him in a 5ft tank with a few other singleton cichlids such as large 6" Angel, 3" Firemouth, 5" Geo Brasiliensis and a few others i forget which. Don't get me wrong, he was the boss in the tank, but he did it in a well mannered way :) I often toyed with the idea of setting up a breeding project of them, they are a very nice fish.
A beautifull and relatively mild mannered Central American Cichlid. I had one and he was about 3" when i got rid of him, he had beautifull blue hues to him with a glittery shimmer when the light caught him well. I kept him in a 5ft tank with a few other singleton cichlids such as large 6" Angel, 3" Firemouth, 5" Geo Brasiliensis and a few others i forget which. Don't get me wrong, he was the boss in the tank, but he did it in a well mannered way :) I often toyed with the idea of setting up a breeding project of them, they are a very nice fish.

I am quite jealous. Mine got bullied by my ellioti and I never really got to see his true colours. He was around 4 inches when I rehomed him.
It can depend on the acara itself, some can be very placid, but will stand up for themselves, others can be real bullies. Generally I have found females to be more "bolshy" than males. When they have fry they are down right evil! As said before there are a few blue acara/green terror hybrids about, also other aequidens wrongly sold as blue acara most common being the Green Terror and Aequidens coeruleopunctatus are mislabled.

Blue Acara are one of my favourits, here is mine :)


And just to wind James up, an aequidens metae :p

LESLEYYYYY :( Be nice! :fun: Providing they can be kept with oto's and shrimp i may just have to take some of them off you! If they don't i shall change stocking plans to fit them! Hah.
otto's you should be ok with as the metae is quite placid, not sure on the shrimp, the juvi's were in with shrimp until I moved them to a larger tank. They are a slow growing fish though, it took nearly a year for mine to reach adult size from when I bought them.
It can depend on the acara itself, some can be very placid, but will stand up for themselves, others can be real bullies. Generally I have found females to be more "bolshy" than males. When they have fry they are down right evil! As said before there are a few blue acara/green terror hybrids about, also other aequidens wrongly sold as blue acara most common being the Green Terror and Aequidens coeruleopunctatus are mislabled.

Blue Acara are one of my favourits, here is mine :)


And just to wind James up, an aequidens metae :p


OOOh Very nice fish, even more tempted to get one now :)
otto's you should be ok with as the metae is quite placid, not sure on the shrimp, the juvi's were in with shrimp until I moved them to a larger tank. They are a slow growing fish though, it took nearly a year for mine to reach adult size from when I bought them.

In that case i shall up my otto's and lessen my shrimp plans and hope for a pair off you ;) I'll email you closer to the time i'm going to invade your house again, and more than likely over stay my welcome oggling at your fish (again) *sigh* :p Haha.

AquaJason, i can only recommend them. They are a fascinating fish, with good colouration, and gernally a good attitude :) Trackdowna good strain from a reputable LFs and you won't be dissapointed. Hard to tell in LFS's which will look good as adults, but stick to a good shop and you won't be dissapointed i'm sure!
Or go for some home bred so you can see the parent fish.

James you are always welcome flower :) so long as you dont try and steal rainbow lol lol
You still have Rainbow? Thought you got rid of him, or would that go against your kids will. Ohhhh Rainbow :X **plans escape routes**
Of course I still have rainbow lol, if I am given a fish for whatever reason they stay here, very rarely now do I move fish on, only if they are giving me problems and they dont fit with any of the other tanks. I still have Harry & Vinny too the red spots and Bailey the diadema (who would only leave my house over my dead body!! lol)

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