A beautifull and relatively mild mannered Central American Cichlid. I had one and he was about 3" when i got rid of him, he had beautifull blue hues to him with a glittery shimmer when the light caught him well. I kept him in a 5ft tank with a few other singleton cichlids such as large 6" Angel, 3" Firemouth, 5" Geo Brasiliensis and a few others i forget which. Don't get me wrong, he was the boss in the tank, but he did it in a well mannered wayI often toyed with the idea of setting up a breeding project of them, they are a very nice fish.
It can depend on the acara itself, some can be very placid, but will stand up for themselves, others can be real bullies. Generally I have found females to be more "bolshy" than males. When they have fry they are down right evil! As said before there are a few blue acara/green terror hybrids about, also other aequidens wrongly sold as blue acara most common being the Green Terror and Aequidens coeruleopunctatus are mislabled.
Blue Acara are one of my favourits, here is mine
And just to wind James up, an aequidens metae![]()
otto's you should be ok with as the metae is quite placid, not sure on the shrimp, the juvi's were in with shrimp until I moved them to a larger tank. They are a slow growing fish though, it took nearly a year for mine to reach adult size from when I bought them.