Size of tank in gallons or litres? 26L
How many fish and which type? 1 dwarf gourami. 1 dwarf coral blue gourami. 1 honey gourami. 1 kissing gourami. 4 guppies. 2 balloon mollies. 1 juli cat fish
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph?no idea at the moment. no kits present
What do you feed your fish? flake & blood worms. lately they ate molly fry
You will have to feel the swollen area on the fish, to see if you can feel any lumps beneath the skin. Check if the swollen area feels hard and solid, or soft.
- its between hard and soft. i can squeeze it and it goes in a bit but feels like there might be fluid in the or something. the scales felt rough when i was touching him.

What does the fish waste look like when the fish goes to the toilet? its red
Are the scales lifting in the swollen area? doesnt look like it
Any red streaking on body or fins? no not at all
Check the anus of the fish to see if it's enlarged, or red and inflamed? not red or inflamed