Black Spots On Tetra's? Disease?


Mostly New Member
Dec 11, 2013
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I'm not sure if this is an actual emergency or not but I don't want to chance it. Does my tetra have some sort of disease? I've noticed another one of the orange tetras also has this. 
I awoke to find my polka dot botia dead at the bottom of the tank ( He had been missing for a few days )

Thank you!
Think it's a minnow. Never seen this, but looks a bit like a parasite like Ich / Velvet to me ???
Its a white cloud mountain minnow, could be black ich/black spot which is a parasitic similar to ich (genus Paravortex) Esha Exit has this disease on its list of things it cures, mostly it will go away on its own, but that looks quite a heavy infestation personally I would be inclined to treat it. Esha exit is safe for delicate fish and snails so no need to remove them. :) Hope this helps
Don't wait to long with treatment, cause most of these parasites infect gills after some time.
DoubleDutch said:
Don't wait to long with treatment, cause most of these parasites infect gills after some time.
star4 said:
Its a white cloud mountain minnow, could be black ich/black spot which is a parasitic similar to ich (genus Paravortex) Esha Exit has this disease on its list of things it cures, mostly it will go away on its own, but that looks quite a heavy infestation personally I would be inclined to treat it. Esha exit is safe for delicate fish and snails so no need to remove them.
Hope this helps
DoubleDutch said:
Think it's a minnow. Never seen this, but looks a bit like a parasite like Ich / Velvet to me ???
Thanks for the replies, is Esha exit safe to use with my other fish? I don't want these tetras to wipe out all of my tank.
Yup, it's fine for everything.  I had to use it in the past and even the catfish were fine.
Just don't overdose it.
Yup again. If it is such a parasite you'll always have to treat the whole tank / all fish. Though not visible it is in your whole tank.
As said : I never saw black Ich / black spot before.

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