Maybe you can return the surviving neon in exchange. But before getting into that, there is something else that I'd like to mention, which Demeter has also mentioned, and that is what is going on with your Black Skirts.
Shoaling fish is the term we give to a species that lives in groups of often hundreds if not thousands. There is a real inherent need for this programmed into the species over evolution that I won't get bogged down with now, but can come back to if asked. I'll jump to the problem when you acquire one or two or three individual fish.
The first Black Skirt Tetra you acquired a year ago was living under stress from being alone, and this went on for about a year. This severely stressed fish can be expected to be aggressive, much more than usual for this species. Scientific studies have now proven that shoaling fish kept in too small a group (or alone) develop highly increased aggression; this is about the only way a fish can respond to such stress. And once this occurs, it is not going to reverse. So you have a highly aggressive fish. Then a second is added, and a week later a third. It is rather surprising that both of these survived, frankly, but this may likely be due to the large area (they can swim away from one another), and the inherent aggressive nature of the species itself.
Adding the neons likely inflamed the Black Skirts all the more. If you really want the Black Skirt Tetra in your tank, acquire the full group of 10-12 now, at the same time. This is not going to cause any cycling issue, as the tank is large enough to easily get through this, and the fish will be small. It might, or might not work, with the existing Black Skirts. Alternatively, you could decide to return/exchange the three Black Skirts, and go with a different species. But if you stay with this one, you need 10-12 minimum. Keep in mind though that other species added will have to be agreeable to the Black Skirts; this is not a tetra to keep with sedate fish, or those with long fins, so future options will have to be carefully considered.