Black fish net

Retired Viking

Fish Connoisseur
Nov 22, 2019
Reaction score
north woods
I want to give some credit to @Colin_T for telling me about black fish nets. I picked one up and it does seem to make it much easier to catch fish than my green color one. Thank you @Colin_T
you sure it was me that suggested it?
I don't recall talking about black fish nets to anyone.
Could have been me, as I remember mentioning this in one or two threads where members were having difficulty catching fast fish. Apparently if held motionless, fish do not see it, so it is easier to herd them into a stationary black net. I've used white, green, blue and black, and black has beeen easier.
Sorry @Byron I thought it was @Colin_T:rolleyes: it was like a month or more ago. I want to give your the credit then, it worked very well.
Sorry @Byron I thought it was @Colin_T:rolleyes: it was like a month or more ago. I want to give your the credit then, it worked very well.

No problem, doesn't matter who suggested. I must admit I was skeptical when I heard this, it was when I was looking for a new net and the fish store fellow said black because they can't see it unless it moves.
Well it did seem to work faster than my old green net, some swam right into it :) and I am getting better at catching them.
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This is interesting. I'll have to give it a try

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