Biorb 15L


New Member
Jan 9, 2016
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Hi guys,
This is my small fish tank with 15L, currently with 6 small fish (4 male Guppys and 2 Corydora Pigmaeus).
I received my tank for Christmas but since a long time ago I wanted one.
Here some pictures:

I used tap water and the water conditioner that was supply with the tank kit, 24h later I added the biological booster to start the tank cycling, after 2 days I bought a few decoration with black pebbles 2 artificial plants (long sword and  small grass bush), for the centre I have a grey rock from Biorb and a white starfish for the final touch.

5 days without fish, I tested the water at "Pets at Home" free of charge 
 and according to then, was suitable to have some fish.


The Orange, the Leo and Rainbow (named by my girlfriend)

The Black Tail, which actually is dark blue with I focus the light on him!

And the last acquisition, 2 Corydoras Pigmaeus, but they are so sneaky and shy that this was the best photo I could take, they look like twins! eheh
I hope you liked my small fish tank, I will get a snail or shrimp in a few days. 
Corydoras Pigmaeus
These need to be kept in groups of 6 or more or they stress.
Your tank is already over stocked, I suggest you return the Corys to the place you got them from your tank is not set up or suitable for them.
I do not see a heater in the tank, Guppies are warm water fish.
NickAu said:
Corydoras Pigmaeus
These need to be kept in groups of 6 or more or they stress.
Your tank is already over stocked, I suggest you return the Corys to the place you got them from your tank is not set up or suitable for them.
I do not see a heater in the tank, Guppies are warm water fish.
I talked with a lot of people and they said that they will be fine, that's why I have then and notice difference 2 days after I placed in the tank, the botton is more cleaned. I will wait a few more days and see how they manage. What are the signs of stress?
The heater is behind the central rock and the temperature is controlled under 24/25 ºC

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