

New Member
Mar 17, 2012
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Was wanting to get a Betta But was wondering if you can get any other fish with it???
It depends on the gender of the fish, the fishes temperament, size of tank, and water temperature.
Cory cats, wild(feeder) guppies, plecos, various tetras, barbs, various livebearers, various shrimp, and various snails can be kept with female and male bettas.

If you would like to view all your options, please use the fallowing link to an in-forum topic to ensure you pick out the correct fish for your community tank:
Betta Splendens Compatibility
Inytom89, there are lots of nice peaceful fish that can easily be kept with a typical Betta splendens male. I keep mostly peaceful tanks of livebearers and do not hesitate to add a betta to any of those. If I have a tank of aggressive or even semi-aggressive fish, I do not place a betta with them. Most bettas are a bit too bashful to live in a truly aggressive situation.
It depends on the Betta's temperament
One of mine lives happily with endlers & shrimp, another is in with harlequin rasboras & corys.
My other 2 won't tolerate other fish, so each one is different, crown tails tend to be more aggressive that veiltails
A Betta ability to to co-exist with any type of other freshwater fish depends in its persinality and how the tank is setup, in a larger, heavily planted tank you are more likely to encounter less problems concerning negative Betta compatibility. There are a range if typically general tank mates for any male Betta Splendens. Most would be along the lines of Corydoras, neons, and most rasboras. It would be helpful to know this vital information to depict the right tank mates

How large is your tank?
How much cover is there?
How passing is your Betta?
Does he flare very often?
Type of substrate?
PH, and hardness?
I've got a general question regarding Bettas. Why is it acceptable for fish stores to have an entire wall of betta fish kept in cups of water smaller then my drinking glass? I can't stand the sight of it.
It isn't acceptable for anyone who actually respects and cares about them....You can complain to management, and corporate offices if it a chain store, usually that won't do anything, but who knows? If enough customers express their disgust over it, maybe it will. Then again, it would be nice if these pet stores also provided realistic "care sheets" to everyone taking home a Betta, or any other pet for that matter. You know, info on cycling a tank and stuff- preferably BEFORE you take the fish home! :rolleyes: Yep I'm a dreamer!

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