Betta's as a birthday gift?


Fish Crazy
Oct 6, 2004
Reaction score
Have you checked the bottom of your shoe?
My best friend is turning 13 in December and I asked her if she mind if I gave her a fish. She was curious to know what kind as she already owns a tank with a few sharks and various other fish as well as her little male guppy. She suggested a betta because she saw mine in my 10 gallon and thought he was adorable.

She owns a hexagonal tank that might be around 8 gallons. Could I give her a betta to put in there? Theres no heater but her room is awfully warm already.

If I was going to give her a betta, what are some signs that the betta is healthy or signs that the betta is sick?
She's never owned a betta, so I was thinking of including some stress coat and betta food with the gift.
Bettas need enough room to make it to the top of the tank to breathe. I've had 3 bettas and two of them enjoyed a 10 gallon tank while my other one likes his 1 gallon tank better. You have to make sure the betta will be able to make it to the surface easliy. A healthy betta is just like looking at any other fish. You may want to make sure you are getting an active betta also.
An 8g hex would be a fine home for a betta.

If you're getting an LFS veiltail, find the 3 or 4 most active ones and pick out the one you like the most. Due to breeding and handling, bettas can be a bit of a gamble, but activity (especially flaring) is one of the best signs you can get that a betta will be strong, healthy and active in their new home.

I don't know what your gift budget is, but a small 25w heater shouldn't cost more than $10 and would keep the temperature constant. Much better for the betta.

Does the tank have a filter? If not, that's even more important than the heater. Again, the little mini filters by fluval or whisper run around $10.

Ok, I'll stop trying to get you to spend money now. ;)

Good luck and I hope your friend likes her new betta! :thumbs:
There is some GREAT info posted as stickies in the bettas forum. I just read them last night after thinking maybe I want to set up a betta tank.
Are you saying she keeps the sharks in the 8 gal?
there are some pretty small sharks out there u know. A betta would be fine. I had oner in a 1 gallon tank and it just sat there but when i moved it to it's 10 gallon tank it loved it. It swims around on the glass all dya.
Shes got the sharks in a pretty big tank. The sharks are only like 2 centimetres long.

I was thinking of just letting her mum know that the tank does need a filter and a heater so her mum could buy it for her for xmas (which is only a couple days away from her birthday).
Fishy411 said:
there are some pretty small sharks out there u know.
Really? Which type? The ones I've seen grow pretty big, say 6" or more.
well most sharks start out at 2 centimeters. What do they look like? I think the smallest are rainbow sharks. there are red tailed sharks that are 4 " those are pretty good. u may want to add soem other fish in the bettas tank. Mine has always been more active when other fish are around. i
It makes no difference what the fish starts out at, they grow! Red tailed sharks get around 5" and need a large tank as they can be aggressive.
this is y it's important to get multiple opinions. :lol: Also cna u post a pic of yur friends sharks?
I'm sorry this really doesn't make very much sense...

What sharks are you talking about that only stay a few inchs long?

Bala sharks?
these need a min. of a 75gal

Red-finned Shark, Rainbow Shark
I wouldn't put these in anything smaller than a 40gal

Red- Tailed Black Shark

none of these fish can live in a small 8 gal aquarium this will lead to shunting

Big active fish need lots of room to swim and play
Well, Skylar did say pretty big tank, not the 8 gallon.

I am assuming more than a 10 gallon since she knows what a 10 gallon looks like since she has one.

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