Betta With Spot on Head


Fish Gatherer
Aug 31, 2007
Reaction score
Few weeks ago I noticed my Betta boy had a spot on his head, I kept an eye on it and it's still there. First I thought it's a bubble? BC it looked clear. I'm not sure now what it is, but want to stop it before it gets worse. A background..

I do 50% water changes weekly. With Betta + dechlorinator.

Last thing added was two plants.

Tanks has been running since Sept 2016, and I'm yet to touch the filter sponge.

Tank specs.
Fluval spec v 19L.

Ammonia 0
Nitrate 0.25
Nitrite 0
None of your pics will load for me, so I can't see a thing. Perhaps try saving the photos to a computer and then upload the file that way?

Can't think of much on what it could be other than maybe hole in the head, his normal coloration, or a cyst of sorts. Has it gotten bigger since you first noticed it? Does he ever seem itchy and try rubbing the spot on the tank decor?
These are the photos of the OP's fish.



Thank you Nickau. No he doesn't Itch off objects, but he does hand out below or near intake. Not sure how much that is normal Betta behavior.. any ideas what this spot is?
I got some jungle ick guard is it best to test for ick before it gets worse? Is it ick??
Noone seems to answer anymore. I guess there isn't anything to do, I will wait and see if anymore of these appear.
Ich is most often seen in the fins first, but that's not how it always starts. If it's just the one spot then I don't really think it is ich. How old is he? He looks quite mature and it's not uncommon for some older bettas to have a white spot/scale show up here and there. On my old girl the spots don't last long and go away on their own.

If the spot grows, multiplies or does anything weird then I would start worrying. For now, so long as it isn't bothering him then I would just leave it.
Thank you for responding. I got him around Sept 2016 if memory is correct. He was an inch smaller than he is today.
So he isn't really and old man yet. Hmm well I'd just keep an eye on things for now. Hopefully all goes well.

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