Fish Fanatic
I just tested Merp's water after doing a 25% water change. He is my mail veil tail betta that's currently being treated for fin rot that is slowly progressing. Anyway he lives in a 2.5 Aqueon tank from Petco. The only things that concerned me was the nitrite readings and the fact that his water is at about a 300 hardness! So my questions are:
1.Should his high water hardness concern me? If so, how do I soften it?
2. How do I bring down his sudden nitrite readings? Thanks! Merp's been through his up's and down's so I just want to keep the little guy healthy.
1.Should his high water hardness concern me? If so, how do I soften it?
2. How do I bring down his sudden nitrite readings? Thanks! Merp's been through his up's and down's so I just want to keep the little guy healthy.