Betta Vs Guppies, Which Would You Choose?

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Jan 6, 2013
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Okay, we'll I've got a 5 gallon, 21 litre tank that is free at the moment. I want to set up a nano tank and I want some opinions...
Would you have a Betta in the tank or 3 male guppies?
The filter is an AquaOne Clear View 100 HOB.

I really just can't make up my mind which is why I thought it would be a good idea to am you guys what was better suited to my tank.

If you need any more information then just ask :)

I wouldn't consider that big enough for three guppies, so betta definitely :)
I, too, have to say betta. Guppies are just obnoxious fish. A betta is much better for a tank this size anyway.
Thank you all for your replies.
I think I will go with the betta :D
I really like the look of the half moon tails so I'll look around and see what I can find. :D

Will the AquaOne Clearview 100 be alright or will it be too strong? It's 100l/h.

Thank you all again. :D
attibones said:
I, too, have to say betta. Guppies are just obnoxious fish. A betta is much better for a tank this size anyway.

Why the guppy hate? :(

I would say the betta would be best though, better suited for a 5 gallon.
I love guppies and prefer to just keep the females myself.  I used to have males as well but found them far too fragile and frustrating to keep for that reason.
Blondielovesfish said:
Thank you all for your replies.
I think I will go with the betta

I really like the look of the half moon tails so I'll look around and see what I can find.

Will the AquaOne Clearview 100 be alright or will it be too strong? It's 100l/h.

Thank you all again.
you will not regret it ...
Take a look at the Plakats too, they are fast becoming my favourites as I find them stronger and less prone to health issues.  You can find some images here on the recent Plakat I have, plus my Purple BE Butterfly Plakat.
I have just took a look at the filter you mention on YouTube in a Betta tank and the Betta seemed fine.  What I would recommend is to place an ornament below the return so that it buffers the return flow, plus I believe you can adjust the flow, so keep it on a low setting.  If you need to adjust it further then you can use a filter sponge on the return or make a buffer out of a piece of bottle, glue it on, so that the water returns out either side vs direct into the tank.  Can explain more if needed once you have your Betta.
Can you get hold of some IAL's these are good for the Bettas water, plus Bogwood.
Excited for you, looking forward to his arrival into your home.
Thank you RCA.
I've looked at the IAL's, what is better to use, the teabags or the loose leaves?
I'm going to look around for some bogwood as I have a garden centre pretty much just down the road and they have a wide range or fish and more natural decorations.
I have to wait awhile because I have to get another tank for my danio's (yes, I sadly did have them in this tank which is why I'm now upgrading :) )
But I'm starting my search :D
Never seen the tea bags before, but I reckon the leaves - mine loves his IAL leaves :D

By the way, we love betta tank pics/journals :D hint hint :)
:D I will definitely update this and start a journal.
Am I allowed to link you to the tea bags, they're on a online auction site?
I'd like to see these teabags. I think that a link would be allowed here.

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