Betta Imbellis


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Oct 28, 2003
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Camarillo, CA
Common name(s): Imbellis, Peacock Betta, Peaceful Betta, Crescent Betta

Scientific name: Betta imbellis, old synonym Betta phucket

Family: Osphronemidae

Origin: Malaysia Introduced into Singapore and Indonesia.

Maximum size: 3 inches

Minimum Tank size: 5 Gallons for a single male

Temperature: 76-80 degrees

pH Range: 6.0-7.0. Indian almond leaf can be used to help create a proper pH.

Care: As with most wild type bettas, they are great jumpers. Any aquarium must have a secure lid with no holes. The slightest gap and these fish will find their way out. Males and females of this species may be kept together if the tank is large enough. 8-10 gallons for one pair generally works well. Since each fish varies, some males can be more aggressive then others and not suitable to be kept with a female or may require several females to even out aggression. These fish prefer a slow moving, planted tank with dim lighting and floating plants as cover. These fish are starting to be seen in other color varieties and sometimes hybridized with B. Splendens and B. Mahachai.

Feeding: Wild caught specimens may not readily except processed foods. Most can eventually be slowly converted over to a high quality betta pellet. They also enjoy blodworms, mosquito larvae, brineshrimp, and veggies.

Sexing: Males much more colorful with longer finnage. Sexing is fairly simple as females have little or no color when they aren't in breeding condition and also have a visible ovipositor. Male as well as female Imbellis both show horizontal bars when stressed, where as in B. Splendens males usually do not display bars.

Breeding: A typical bubblenest breeder. Condition both male and female on live foods. Temp should be raised to 81-82 degrees and a pH of 6.5-7.0 is needed for breeding. Very peaceful spawner and damage to the female is rare. Male will build a bubblenest under floating plants. Courting usually lasts a few hours before embracing. The spawn can last a few hours to all day. When finished the female will usually display horizontal bars and the male chases her away. Although I have known females to sometimes help with the spawn. Males are great fathers and rarely eat eggs. Fry will hatch in 24-36 hours after the spawn and the male will care for them until they are free swimming. At this time the male may be removed but some breeders will leave the male to care for the fry for a few more weeks. Fry's first foods include microworm, vinegar eels, bbs, and will sometimes accept processed fry foods such as Atison's betta starter. Read this guide for more general information. TFF Breeding and Rearing Betta Fry

Comments: IBC Species Information and Care can be found HERE






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