Betta Flaring Again, Tank Background?


Mostly New Member
Jun 22, 2016
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I recently bought a new aquarium for my betta, still five gallon but a bowfront that fits easier on the stand, yes his tank is cycled and he is doing fine :D
My question though, I purchased a new light to help a small anubias plant start to grow and it illuminates the tank nicely, however my betta has started flaring at his reflection again and I'm worried this will stress him.
I read that getting a background to sort of obscure the view can help, but does it have to be solid black? I'm not looking for a crazy background with bright polkda dots or anything, but what would you suggest? Solid black with no design? Will it help?
I suggest solid black, that's what ive used in the past.
I dont know if its bad as i dont know bettas but it sounds pretty stressful for it.

Aesthetics wise, i spent money on a background with plants on it and it looks rubbish - it would only work if the image was correctly proportioned to the size of the plants in your tank.

I plan to get some matte black craft paper/card and just use that. Black backed tanks look great.

If it doesnt help with the reflection then you could see if you can shade the light to stop it from shining on the back of the tank? Also, you can get fake rock style backings for the insisde of you tank
I read somewhere during my betta investigation stage (!!) that if you paint the back of the tank with chalkboard paint it stops the reflection.  Might be a bit of a PITA to do though, now the tank is set up.
I've just bought a tank for a betta but I'm not ready to set it up yet so painting it will be easy.  I tried paper on the back of my main tank once - it wasn't very successful - I always managed to spill some water on it and eventually it just went curly and horrid but then I'm not the most careful person when I do water changes

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