Betta Fish And Gourami Not Getting Along Well.


New Member
Aug 6, 2016
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I have a betta fish and a Blue gourami (i think thats the gouramis Sub-species, heres a pic)


But for some reasons in a 65gl tank they both share, the gourami wont let the betta fish off the bottom of the tank. Hes killed my corie and my zebra nerite snail which i had with him and the betta fish in my 5gl (which is now empty). He wasnt always this way, when i first got him he was so peaceful with the rest of my fish. The only two fish that survived my 5gl were my Betta fish, and Black moors who is now in another tank with a goldfish. Please help, I dont want my betta fish to die, but i have to stop my gourami from hurting him/drowning him. (Betta fish need to breath from the surface from time to time right?..) Please help.
Please help, I dont want my betta fish to die, but i have to stop my gourami from hurting him/drowning him
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.
Bettas and Gouramis cant be kept in the same tank, Eventually the Gourami WILL kill the Betta.
I'd say the best option is to rehome the gourami. My daughter bought me a pair of opaline gouramis for fathers day...(never buy fish as gifts) They went back to the LFS very quickly. They are not good fish for community tanks unless possibly with bigger fish.
Agree with others.  There are two issues here.
First, a Betta, especially male, is not a community fish, and it should be maintained on its own.  A 10 gallon tank, or a 5 gallon but no smaller, will provide a nice home, with some floating plants.  I know you will read that Betta work with other fish, but this is hit and miss and in the majority of time they do not.  Sometimes the Betta is the aggressor, sometimes other fish.  Keep Betta alone.
Second, the gourami.  The photo is of a Trichopodus trichopterus, a species of gourami that is available in several different varieties but all are the same species so they have the same inherent traits and behaviours.  The one in the photo is a Cosby or Marble, and the others are Blue, Gold, Opaline, three-spot and Platinum, and there may be others.  This species does tend to be nastier than some other gourami species.  Gourami males are territorial, and sometimes this is directed only at other male gourami, sometimes at other species.  And there have been instances where the females have suddenly turned very aggressive to the point of killing everything else in the aquarium.  Individual fish sometimes act outside the norm.
I would advise you to immediately separate the Betta.  It may already be severely damaged (the stress alone can permanently affect the fish's physiology), or it may in time recover.  But separate it.  Second, I agree with Neil that the gourami should be returned or re-homed, as it may be a real problem with other fish.

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