I have a 29 gallon with 10 neon tetras, 8 black neon tetras, 2 powder blue dwarf gourami, and a pleco. I've had all these guys for about 6 months with zero casualties. I'm pretty positive, however, that my dwarf gourami (male and female pair) have dwarf gourami disease. They've been showing symptoms for about a month, but are still relatively okay. From what I've read about the illness, I'm really not looking forward to watching them deteriorate further as I really do care for them (and it seems that there's nothing I can do)? Thinking ahead, since I know this disease is fairly common, I'm hesitant to add more dwarfs to the tank after these guys. Other than bettas I'm new to this hobby, so I'm unsure of what other kinds of gourami might be okay to add. I read a little about opalines (I'd just get one), but it's been hard to find a clear answer on whether they're okay with fish as small as neons. Of course I'll take care of my dwarfs for as long as they can make it before purchasing any kind of new fish. Thanks for any help!