Bba Is Pearling!


Life, Liberty & Pursuit of the perfect fish tank
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Apr 4, 2011
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Ok, so I had BBA in my 110 gallon tank - same one as the sig.  So, I added pressurized CO2, and now the BBA is pearling... PEARLING!!!
Here's the specs:
110 Gallons -
128 W (4x32W T8 flourescent bulbs) - shoplight.
Photo period 9 hours.
EI dosing, with chelated iron.
Floramax substrate.
Fish are doing fine. 
Drop checker indicates that the CO2 levels are just a bit below 30ppm during the photoperiod.  I am dosing 24/7, so I want to be careful not to overdose.
Currently, the tank has 2 Penguin 350 filters and a 170gph powerhead for circulation.  The powerhead is set-up in such a way that the diffuser releases the bubbles which get drawn into the impeller and blown to bits - no noticeable bubbles coming out of the powerhead.
I did have a circulation pump in the tank, in an effort to keep the CO2 more evenly distributed, but that didn't seem to help, as much of the CO2 was escaping the tank.  Now, the powerhead is eliminating that issue, but the circulation is too low.
What's the issue?
Too much light - drop the photo period or raise the lights?
Insufficient CO2 - easily increased by increasing the bubble rate - currently ~45-60BPM.
Insufficient circulation - add another pump?
These seem to be the only possible issues that there could be.  Open to suggestions.
I don't know if this helps or not but when I was trying to get rid of algae in my SW tank, I read that as the algae dies it gives off gasses that cause the pearling effect and its a good sign. I don't know if the same holds true for BBA. I have BBA in my 10gal that I don't dose with liquid carbon and I don't have it in the 29gal that I do dose with carbon. Again not sure if that helps but I figured it couldn't hurt to speak up.

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