Banning Sales Of Inappropriate Exotic Species


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Dec 29, 2014
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A recent thread about the purchase of a Pacu, that was misidentified by the distributor as a Silver Dollar and then again by the consumer as a Piranha got me thinking about this. There is no real question here. I'm just looking for some thoughts about the topic.
Throughout the years, bans on the types of exotic "pets" we can keep came about from irresponsible consumers causing trouble with their unwanted pets that were once cute and cuddly and turned into the adults that nature had in mind, by either having them escape, releasing them into the wild, and/or having them cause some sort of injury to an individual or the environment. Some have been banned altogether. Others require special permitting.
We cannot prevent uniformed consumers from purchasing anything. Should the responsibility be put on the retailer to recognize and restrict the sales of certain species? Just today, I had a friend tell me today that a store outright refused to sell him a Koi because his tank was too small. I'd be willing to bet that the same store sells Plecos to anyone that asks.
It's the same for almost any "unsafe" product. Everything is peachy-keen until someone or something gets hurt. All illegal drugs were once for sale over-the-counter.
Events such as the one you mentioned about the misidentified pacu, will probably happen even with very strict rules. mistakes, like these will occur. However, it has to be a mistake.
Personally, I think that it isn't the responsibility for the seller to interrogate every customer about whether he can keep the fish or not. Although he should be able to give the correct information to a customer when asked.
It might help for those customers that are lazy/ignorant, to place some basic information on the price tags. You could for example think of basic things like size or minimal tank size. This might make those people realize how big some species actually get.
As I said before, it should primarily be the responsibility for the buyer. Those people who are to lazy to think about the species they buy ruin the hobby. Thanks to these people, some countries impose very strict rules and with this forbid animals which could be held at home without any trouble.

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