Bad breeding


Fish Herder
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jul 2, 2020
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As the title says bad breeding and I’m a culprit, I currently have 50+ fry new swimmers so maybe a week old in there own little 20l and doing well on crush pellets . The bad part is they are hybrid . They are green terror X electric blue acara, I’m keeping them as I need to see what they look like but I don’t think I can bring myself to sell them on , even if I label them as hybrid there is no stopping the buyer re selling them as what I’d assume stand blue acara or even green terror and as a South American cichlids enthusiasts I can’t take that risk with the andinoacara being harder harder every year to identify correctly I think this is one of the main causes breeding very closely related fish , my question is what would you do ? Either way il be growing 2 but the other 50 , keep ? Sell ? Destroy?
As the title says bad breeding and I’m a culprit, I currently have 50+ fry new swimmers so maybe a week old in there own little 20l and doing well on crush pellets . The bad part is they are hybrid . They are green terror X electric blue acara, I’m keeping them as I need to see what they look like but I don’t think I can bring myself to sell them on , even if I label them as hybrid there is no stopping the buyer re selling them as what I’d assume stand blue acara or even green terror and as a South American cichlids enthusiasts I can’t take that risk with the andinoacara being harder harder every year to identify correctly I think this is one of the main causes breeding very closely related fish , my question is what would you do ? Either way il be growing 2 but the other 50 , keep ? Sell ? Destroy?
Well definitely dont destroy!! Maybe try to keep a few and then the others you can give away and sell a few... Or see if your local fish or pet store will accept them!
Well definitely dont destroy!! Maybe try to keep a few and then the others you can give away and sell a few... Or see if your local fish or pet store will accept them!
Probably been is if they look particularly like either parent and would end up label as that fish and future generations of breeding could be influenced by a hybrid .
Probably been is if they look particularly like either parent and would end up label as that fish and future generations of breeding could be influenced by a hybrid .
I apologise for being of negligible use, but a phrase involving horse-housing gateways and a galloping equine springs to mind.
As discussed elsewhere in this Forum, lots of us become accidental breeders and all of us who end up with fry in the tank then have to consider how best to pass them on.
Those with live bearers, especially those with live-bearers who are relatively new to the hobby, have it particularly bad.

When I acquired my Cockatoo apistos, I knew breeding was a possibility and I've got takers for any young, should they decide to get jiggy with it.
Ditto for my Dwarf Gourami.

Back to your own difficulties, I suspect that there's an unknown number of fishkeepers and aquarists in your local area who may be interested in taking fish off you, whilst knowing their heritage. The trick is to find them and one good spot will be any fish shops near you. At this point, I'm merely suggesting you give them away, but if anyone wants to give you money, it'd be rude not to. ;)
You could also make it clear that these aren't for re-sale, for all the sound reasons you've described. Obviously, you can't control what happens to the fish once they leave you, but at least you'll have done your best.
Well... Hmm... Do you have any fishy friends?
I do and they have agreed to take half off me for his kids to grow and learn but his biggest tank is 300l , I expect these fish to Be 6-8inchs fully grown and there Is no possible way he can keep 25 with the tanks he has so they will either end up dead or sold on , I created my own problem the Gt is a first time father and would of eaten the fry more than likely but the eba is an experienced mother and would of suffered defending the eggs plus have a breeding male green terror in a community tank the fastest way to reduce aggression is to remove the fry ... but now I have loads and morally I’m torn between the hobby and there lives in general
I'd have probably said to leave them in the tank and let nature takes it course. But I can see the issue with that for the mum and dad. Hybrids like this are never a good thing IMO, these are going to be super unpredictable - temperment of a GT in an EBA scales? I think some Hybrid projects are ok if its with a purpose for things like Flowerhorns or Parrots but if its accidental really the fry are not going to add to the hobby and as very young fry I think you should cull them or remove the eggs before they hatch.

You probably need to work out what you are going to do next time too as it wont be the last time they breed.

I'd have probably said to leave them in the tank and let nature takes it course. But I can see the issue with that for the mum and dad. Hybrids like this are never a good thing IMO, these are going to be super unpredictable - temperment of a GT in an EBA scales? I think some Hybrid projects are ok if its with a purpose for things like Flowerhorns or Parrots but if its accidental really the fry are not going to add to the hobby and as very young fry I think you should cull them or remove the eggs before they hatch.

You probably need to work out what you are going to do next time too as it wont be the last time they breed.

I was going to tag your opinion but waited, I’m really torn you know my love for my female eba and the green terror as a fish I feel like it’s a perfect to keep them together but as much il curios as what the offspring will be I know it’s bad for the hobby Andy I know it’s somthing I would frown on myself , I’m just so torn , I agree cull them I think it’s best and to continue to do so I’m future For the fact that the difference between a Saum and a terror is fine and hybrid like this could destroy the breed but saying that I do need to see what this fish looks like lol
I would say, simply, not to punish the fish for it's existence.

With that being said, I would take as much care as you can to prevent it from being spread throughout the hobby as anything but a Hybrid. If it looks just like an EBA or Terror, then I would definitely not sell to a petshop. If it looks different and they are willing to sell it as a hybrid, I think selling would be OK.

I would separate the fish that are breeding so that more hybrids are not created.

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