Baby Fry...what Now?


New Member
May 31, 2016
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HELLO GUYS! I am brand new to this site, but not quite new to having a tank! 
I have had my tank for about 4 1/2 years now, filled with 3 generations of Corys all living with their parents!
So yesterday I had eggs on my glass that were there for about 3 days and fastly getting eaten off by the adults.. I decided to take a bunch of eggs, and plop them in a little 2.5g just for fun to see what would happen..
BIG PROBLEM! LOL.. Not all hatched, but I can assure you I had to stop counting at 69 little specs of black babies!... Bit off more than I could chew?? YES! I DID!
Good news is, I have agreed to give my sister come when they are ready to be moved to a bigger tank with everything else they need in it. Only problem is, I am not sure what to feed these little guys, and it's already been a day. Some are still hatching! 
I removed the eggs with mold or fungus on them, and did a little water change to keep it clean. I have noticed most of the babies still have their egg sacs on them.. SO my questions are..
How long do the egg sacs last?
When AND what should I start feeding them? (I dropped a few pellets of bring shrimp in there last night, but took out the uneaten parts this morning)
How much should I feed them?
How many times a day should I feed them?
How will I know when they are big enough to move into other tanks.. (IE: My African dwarf frog tank with a male and female, The Adult Cory Tank with their parents, and the other tank for my sister)
Thanks guys!! Hope to hear from any of you soon! :) 

Awesome! It is such a rewarding experience to raise baby fry. I personally have only raised guppy, endler, swordtail, molly, and shrimp fry. So nothing with eggs really except the shrimp but they don't lay eggs.
Brine shrimp is a good food to feed them, or what I do with my guppies is I boil an egg, take the yolk and crush a bit into a dixxy cup, then add some water and mix it so it's like a yellow paste. I put that into the water and they just swim into/around the cup and eat the yolk. 
I also have noticed that my fry don't eat the first few days.
Also if you have plants in the tank I'm sure they will nibble on that when they are hungry. 
Upload some pictures!!
Also would you ship any? :D
Firstly hi and 
 to the forums
Okay, so I'm guessing your meaning cory fry by your post so I'll go ahead and presume you are meanin cory fry and not some other kind of fry.
Cory fry can survive on their yolk sac for 48 hours so for this time they don't need food. The next step would be to provide some kind of micro food as they are too small to take anything else at this stage. There are two options. First option would be the easiest - that would be to add some moss to their tank. Moss has hidden in it microscopic stuff that they can eat. The second option would be to get yourself a micro-worm culture and get that going now. It'll take a couple of days to get going. You could do both, this would provide them with plenty of food and give you a better yield.
What I can tell you is not all of these babies are going to make it. I've been doing extensive breeding of my panda cories for a good while now and I've found if I get 10% to hatch and survive beyond the first week I'm doing well.
It's also worth noting that a sponge filter is the best kind for cory fry. They are not strong swimmers for the first 3 or 4 weeks and can easily get sucked in to a filter. A sponge filter will also provide some microscopic food aswell.
If you want to read about the ups and downs of breeding cories here's my thread
There have been other threads running on cory breeding - here's one I remember well
There's loads of useful info there amongst the chit-chat. Good luck with your fry :D
Hopefully you can get a lot of them past the first 2-3 weeks which seems the hardest. Agree with microworms, easy to culture and a great first food.
cooledwhip said:
 I boil an egg, take the yolk and crush a bit into a dixxy cup
Whats a dixxy cup?
Munroco said:
Hopefully you can get a lot of them past the first 2-3 weeks which seems the hardest. Agree with microworms, easy to culture and a great first food.
 I boil an egg, take the yolk and crush a bit into a dixxy cup
Whats a dixxy cup?
Dixie** cup. Paper cup coated in wax coat.
ah ok, and you just put this in the aquarium? I've used egg yolk before but found it messy
Munroco said:
ah ok, and you just put this in the aquarium? I've used egg yolk before but found it messy
Yeah I have put it in the aquarium and it is messy but I haven't found it to make the water too murky or anything so I just let it be. Sometimes you can try using a fine net to scoop it up.

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