Babies, Babies, Babies


New Member
Feb 27, 2013
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Grantham, Lincolnshire, UK
I got 2 mollies just over a week ago, i got 2 mollies (both female i believe) i got 2 females in the hope that I would not get more but one must have been carrying before hand. I now have 8 baby mollies (that i can see) they have been there for a few days. I was expecting them to get eaten with nature taking its course but the mollies and glowlight tetras seem fine that they are there. My tank is too small to keep them im thinking let them get to about have size and see if my lfs will take them. the one I think that have birth to them, im not sure if she is just being playful or getting aggressive with the other large molly it keeps chasing it a lot. 
Not only that but I got a fern for the mollies as my lfs suggested and there must have been snails hiding in it and they are multiplying like crazy. Is there anoything i can do to stop it or at least slow it down? bit of a shot in the dark
You can cut down on the snail population by feeding the tank less, how much are you feeding your fish at the moment?
If you want to wipe out the snail population completely, or at least get rid of all the visible ones you could buy some assassin snails, they're cheap and will take up no room at all. They'll deal with the snails.
As with the fry you could probably ask your LFS for an exchange with the babies, maybe they'll give you store credit or something, depends on what store they are. If not I'm sure you won't mind giving the fry away for nothing to prevent overcrowding :)
Around the time of giving birth, both before and after, livebearers will be a little grouchy, just like people. She'll calm down after a while - the fish are probably establishing who's the dominant fish in the tank.
Hope it all helps, Good Luck with your new babies :D
im just feeding flakes, bloodworm or daphnia once every morning and some cucumber, lettuce, corguette or algae tablets every other day. i this ok for mollies and tetras, ive research quite a bit but very mixed opinion some say 2-3 times a day some say every other day so went in the middle
Im happy to just give the babies away as dont want to kill them or anything. Dont the the lfs will take them till decent size thou so a bit worried about overstock til they are big enough will just have to keep an eye on nitrites etc i guess. maybe i will have to get a bigger tank lol good excuse with the mrs
Yeah it's a great excuse for a bigger tank :p I've only ever fed my batches of fry the same amount as I've fed the adults... maybe a little more than usual the first time around with babies. You're fine with what you're feeding them all, sounds really good. You'll probably be alright keeping them until they are about 2 or 3 months old, that's when they start to produce a lot of waste and put a bit more of a strain on the filter, but at that size and age they will have most of their colours and your LFS will probably take them :)
It's always fun to watch them grow and see the colours they turn out!
No-one's given you the good news yet!
Your females are able to store sperm packets, for use for 6 months after they last saw a male. The chances are that they shared a tank with a male or 6 at the shop, so.......
Probably a good idea to post photos up here so that you can be sure that they are definitely both females.

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