Attack Of The Brown Fuzz

Yeah, on the atlantic side of Key Biscayne in Biscayne national park there is a beach that consists of lots of baserock up to the shoreline which creates lots of tidal pools at the edge of mangroves. Then a little further south is a sand beach filled with various macro algaes, kelps, and all the organisms that love to live amongst them in very shallow water. Great place to go snorkeling. Teeming with the kind of life you have in all your snail tanks Donya, prolly right up your alley :good:. Only drawback is that its a bit of a hike to get there and the beach is frequented by folks from Miami's rainbow district. An amazing place for wildlife though.
I am going to Hawaii in October, are Dwarf Zebras and Blue-Legs only found in the Atlantic? I know I found tons of little Hermits in Vancouver, B.C., but am unsure of crustacean life in latitude 20 Pacific.

two things i reccamend doing

#1. get a plecostomus to eat it all

#2. get a couple antialge disolving tablets

Please try to resist posting unless you have the slightest idea of what you are talking about :rolleyes:

Well I'm about to give up on finding a solid ID for this stuff. Nothing clear. I'm wondering if what I've got is diatoms suck to something else, like slime of some sort...which would explain why it deteriorates into "dust" when it's disturbed. At any rate, it's not going away any time soon since the Trochus won't clean it off a few places. And I know for certain it is not cyano, butcause with it being beaten back, NOW I have cyano LOL and of course the Trochus won't touch that stuff :grr:

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