New Member
Hi everyone,
Hope I get a reply on this topic... my first flopped!
I've now had three pairs of candy snails (mini apple snails) and each pair has died within 48hrs. The water has been tested and it's perfect. I have two angels, a garra rufa, golden gourami, rainbow fish and an albino bristlenose plec. The tank is 100litres with an external eheim filter. Carbon has been changed recently and 10-20% water change done weekly. Its only been set up 4 months and I'm trying to build it slowly.
I know snails are sensitive so they ge climatised over two hours and started off magnificently, 24hrs later doors are open and as they are so small (thumb print size) you can see the lung isn't pumping. Never had a problem keeping snails in my smaller tank...
.... anyone have any ideas??
Thank you from a bemused and concerned newbie
Jo x
Hope I get a reply on this topic... my first flopped!
I've now had three pairs of candy snails (mini apple snails) and each pair has died within 48hrs. The water has been tested and it's perfect. I have two angels, a garra rufa, golden gourami, rainbow fish and an albino bristlenose plec. The tank is 100litres with an external eheim filter. Carbon has been changed recently and 10-20% water change done weekly. Its only been set up 4 months and I'm trying to build it slowly.
I know snails are sensitive so they ge climatised over two hours and started off magnificently, 24hrs later doors are open and as they are so small (thumb print size) you can see the lung isn't pumping. Never had a problem keeping snails in my smaller tank...
.... anyone have any ideas??
Thank you from a bemused and concerned newbie
Jo x