
advice needed on these snails there uses in the community tank etc thanks :rolleyes:

I don't rely on them too much in a community for ANY function, but they are invaluable in a fry tank as the will get rid of the excesses and also provide the very necessary infusoria from their droppings.... They breed extremely easy (prollifically) and produce litterally thousands of babies...... Prefers the higher temperature ranges...
Apple snails don't really work in community tanks. For a start they need a cold season. In the wild they "rest" for part of the year, and keeping them cool for a couple of months helps mimic that. Otherwise they "burn out" very quickly, which is why people very rarely get the big (tennis ball!) size adults they see in the books.

They are also very easily damaged by nippy fish such as barbs and tetras. If you wanted to keep them in a community, you'd want to choose species such as Corydoras paleatus and perhaps White Cloud Mountain minnows that wouldn't be nippy and would also enjoy a few months of cool weather in winter. Otherwise do what I do, and keep them alone in a 5-10 gallon tank at room temperature all year around. Assuming your house doesn't get too cold in winter they'll thrive, and you'll be rewarded with lots of eggs and baby snails in due course.

Cheers, Neale

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