Apf Substrate Capsules


Fish Herder
Dec 21, 2010
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Has anyone used these Aquariumplantfood.co.uk substrate casules before?
Are they as good as they sound?
I would like to hear your experiences with them:)

APF Substrate capsules are a comprehensive, all-in-one Substrate Fertiliser for Planted Aquariums. Unlike most substrate fertilisers, APF Substrate capsules last upwards of 6 months. APF Substrate Capsules are a unique formulation of the 12 Macro and Micro nutrients plants need to live. Simply insert the APF capsule into your substrate and within a few days the gelatine capsule will dissolve and your plants will be taking up the goodness that comes from within!Strong and healthy plants greatly reduce the risk of algae.APF Substrate Capsules can be used in conjunction with any other plant fertilisers we sell on the APF website.To use, simply push the capsule into the substrate adjacent or directly under the plant, cover with about 4cm of substrate, do not disturb once in the substrate.Use 1 APF Capsules per 4" depending on planting density.
They basically sound like any other root tab, for example tropica tabs and TNCs.
The main thing to ensure is that their "12 macro and micro elements" include the most important 3 macros (nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus) as well as micros such as magnesium and iron.
Oh really? Do you use any yourself? Good results? Worth using in conjunction with liquid ferts?
I did have a quick look at a couple of other tabs (cant remember what brand) to have somethin to compare these too, except the ones I looked at appeared to be jus micro elements which made these sound more appealing as they are both micro and macro.
They'll work. My question would be are they really white? Surely that's a mess waiting to happen.....
Iv just bought some. Yes the outta shell is white but this quickly dissolves leaving no mess.
Time will tell if they are any good:)

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