Anyone Used These?


Nov 6, 2008
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Just bought one, anyone got an opinion on them?
I used one very similar to this. It had a good flow rate but because the filter inners were mainly foam boards it tended to clog up quickly so needed regular maintenance to ensure that it filtered water efficiently!
i have one of these, had it for about 6mths now, no complaints so far
Good to hear, its to replace my other internal that has become very noisy and the flow rate has became a bit pathetic. I'll just be moving my filter media into this, nice and straight forward.
yes mine is the bigger one though, but i just moved over all the media to this one and its done well considering how cheap it was, i would like a external but have no where to put it, so opted for this one
Same as me, i looked into getting an external but unfortunately the cabinet it sits on cannot house it. I'd have to cut holes in it or remove the back completely in order to have an external. Didn't really want to do it, was a pretty expensive oak cabinet!

Hopefully this filter will be here in the morning, i'll post a review on it anyway.

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