Anyone A Rodent Keeper?


Jun 17, 2012
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Earth's Crust
Is anyone a rodent keeper or a rodent lover here? I am!! I have am American Guinea pig named Mr. Waffles.
Is anyone a rodent keeper or a rodent lover here? I am!! I have am American Guinea pig named Mr. Waffles.

I have three guinea pigs and two rabbits. The GP are called Neo, Toffee and Phoebe ('cos when we got her she had no 'Friends').

The Rabbits are called Sonic (because she looked like Sonic the Hedgehog) and Cher; Sonic and Cher, geddit?
Is anyone a rodent keeper or a rodent lover here? I am!! I have am American Guinea pig named Mr. Waffles.

I have three guinea pigs and two rabbits. The GP are called Neo, Toffee and Phoebe ('cos when we got her she had no 'Friends').

The Rabbits are called Sonic (because she looked like Sonic the Hedgehog) and Cher; Sonic and Cher, geddit?

Awww!! Cute names you have for your pets! LOL, she looks like Sonic! Sonic&Cher... nope, I don't get it. Sorry, I'm like... I tune out on a lot of things... ;)
Had one guinea pig named Peach who loved to have my cat sleep in the cage with him...other than that we had rats, my brother recently got 2 rats Howie and Pete
Have a few mice in the freezer! :shifty:

Have two rabbits, ollie and rosie. Ollie used to be a house rabbit, he trained himself to go to the toilet in a cat litter tray but he was terrible for chewing cables so he had to go outside but needed a friend.
He's great friends with our cats and our dogs, a rotweiller, springer and a cocker. Fun to watch them all in the back garden together.
Aw!! I used to want a rat, but then I think my mom got grossed out by the fact that 'filthy rats' were known to live on farms. Howie!! I have a goldfish named Howie!! (it's a girl, lol. At first I thought it was a boy)

Ollie... what a CUTE name!! LOL, 'a few mice in the freezer' :D
Our oldest lad chose the name ollie as he wasn't with us when we picked the rabbit, the three younger ones were.
He got the name ollie from a singer who he liked at the time, 'Ollie Sykes' or 'Sikes' or some other way of spelling the surname.

Ollies is a lop ear and rosie is sort of a mixture. They had one lot of bunnies as we thought rosie was spayed but she wasn't. We rehomed her from an adoption place.

This is Ebony the rotweiller and ollie.

Awwwwww!!! THey're so cute together!! WOW! Ollie's markings are so pretty!! I wish I had a rabbit like that. :)
We were thinking of rehoming the pair as they sadly do not get the attention they deserve at the moment, the kids are supposed to let them out a few times a day and they're lucky if they're let out twice a day now.
We spoke to the kids about this and they've been making the effort this past week or two so here's hoping we don't have to give them away.
Three mice - Rachel, Monica and Phoebe (another Friends lover)
Two guinea pigs - Cookie and Crumble

Love them, but I wish they'd pooped a little less :rolleyes:
I take in recued Rats and I have Hamsters. I occationally take in rescued Hams. At the minuet I only have five Rats (the record for me being fourteen at one time), along with one Syrian Hamster and two Russian Dwarf Hams too who live together as sisters. The Rats have their own room (the spare bedroom) with a five foot high cage for bed time, various toys, hammocks etc and a swimming pool and the Hams have their Zoozone tanks with their own toys, sand baths, wheels and a big playpen they share between them. I've got some lovely photos of my Syrian boy, Sprout, in the pen in the sunshine I took the other week when it was sunny outside : 3

My mam has two Guinie Pigs. They live indoors in a four foot cage and have a wooden pen for outside in nice weather.

I did used to keep Rabbits as a kid but I had to agree to let them go to someone else when I had my relaps (I have M.E.). Just as well I did I think 'cause they lived in a three foot hutch all their lives : (
They did have a four foot square shaped run that I let them out in when the weather was OK for them, but I feel so bad that they didn't have the room they needed.

And I did have a poor lone Guinie Pig called Blackie, who was black beleive it or not, as a kid too. Poor thing, he never had a friend. But I know now that they need friends so I'll never do that again.

And I did have two Gerbils before taking on Rats. They lived in the tank that's now my Fishtank. They were very funny and I loved to watch them build their tunnels : )

I've learned a lot since being a kid though (and still feel bad for not learning it sooner), so I like to hope my pets have better lives with me these days.

But I do like Rodents. I think they're full of character and all have their own cheaky little ways : )
Awww!! Cute names you have for your pets! LOL, she looks like Sonic! Sonic&Cher... nope, I don't get it. Sorry, I'm like... I tune out on a lot of things... ;)

It's a play on Sonny and Cher, you know the duo that the singer Cher used to be a part I'm a little older than you :) .
My Buns and GP's live in their own shed click here.

There is nothing else in the shed, just the animals. The guinea pigs have the top floor with the balcony, the rabbits have the ground floor and a tunnel that runs out to an outside run.
My Buns and GP's live in their own shed click here.

There is nothing else in the shed, just the animals. The guinea pigs have the top floor with the balcony, the rabbits have the ground floor and a tunnel that runs out to an outside run.

that is a cool shed.
i have two rabbits, Timothy and Sagi. we got Timmy first then released he was lonely and got Sagi. Timmy learnt all her bad habits lol.

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