Announcement - New Moderator! - Dr Rob

Ludwig Venter

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Jun 7, 2008
Reaction score
South Africa
It gives me great pleasure to announce our 6th and final new Moderator.... WELCOME TO THE MODERATORS' TEAM Dr Rob!....

Thank you for accepting the additional duties and I know you will be an asset to this forum to help us grow..... Dr Rob needs no introduction and I'm sure you will all be pleased to see him aboard.....
Congrats DrRob, a warm welcome to losing your insanity moving junk posts and asking members to amend sales ads! ;):good:
Thanks Ludwig, and thanks NOTG. Nice to know that you thought that I had some sanity before. Ludwig obviously knew I didn't when he asked.

As I've said to Ludwig, I'm here to help. When they find someone better, they can take the job, in the meantime I'll try to keep it clean and tidy in here. Hopefully won't take me too long to work my way around the buttons as I've used a lot of them before on other non-fish forums.
Welcome aboard Dr Rob, its all good fun. :good:
Another great choice! Congrats!

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