Angel fish


Fish Fanatic
Jun 15, 2017
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I have 2 angel fish in a 215 litre tank. They get along quite well other than the odd poke . Just wondering what kind of companions would be suitable. They appear quite happy on their own
I have 2 angel fish in a 215 litre tank. They get along quite well other than the odd poke . Just wondering what kind of companions would be suitable. They appear quite happy on their own
If you are quite happy to leave them on their own then you can do so.

You need to be a bit careful as Angels can be aggressive to new tank mates, and can get territorial when mature. a good way to get around this is to re-arrange the tank before adding the new fish.
Obviously you don't want fish which are aggressive towards the slow moving Angels either. Quite a few fish will go for the elongate fins.
That being said you can keep fish in with them. If you could let us know what your water parameters are we can better inform you on what fish you could get. Water hardness kH/gH temperatures, pH ect and tank dimensions will also help.

I personally have had a nice shoal of Cory's with them to give the bottom more life
If the water is soft (hasn't got many minerals) and has a GH below 100ppm, you can try bigger species of tetras that are not renown fin nippers, rasboras, soft water dwarf cichlids like Apistogrammas, Pelvichachroms and Nanochromis. You can also keep the catfish listed in the next section.

If the water is soft to medium hard (100-250ppm) you can look at some of the peaceful barbs like Ruby, cherry, checkered and golden Barbs. Although cherry and checkered might be a bit small depending on the size of the angels. You can also keep most small catfish like Corydoras, Brochis, Bristlenose, Peckoltias, Whiptails (Loricaria sp) and Twig catfish (Farlowella sp).

Medium to hard water (250ppm +) and you can keep mollies, swordtails, platies and guppies.
Most species of rainbowfish will be fine too and will be fine in water with a GH between 150-400ppm.
There's more info on rainbowfish at the following link.

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