Yes, there were small white spots mainly on fins and tail. They are breathing heavy at the top of the tank, and not eating, I use the water test strips to test the water, and at least once per week I take a water sample to a tropical fish place that does the other test with the liquids, etc. I did not cycle the tank properly out of ignorance. Petsmart (now I know better than to listen to them) where I purchased the 65 gallon fish tank said to fill the tank with water, required amount of Stress Coat, run filter, include gravel, decorations, etc. and give it at least 3 days before I put fish in it because it was such a big tank. Once I visited the small neighborhood Tropical Fish farm, I learned a little about cycling, of course by then I already had fish inside the tank, and there were nitrate, amonia spikes, Alkaline and PH on the low end, and all the stuff associated with not cycling a tank. The newest victim of this disaster is an angelfish who has been the only one (i originally had 8 nickle size to quarter size angelfish) that between 11pm and 6am developed a round bulge on the stomach and looked as if it had swallowed a marble. Within minutes he was swiming upside down and other fish were picking on him, so I placed him in a net by himself so that he would not be tortured by the other fish. BTW I did a 50% water change last night and as the water was being sucked out of the tank two of the angelfish became lethargic and swimming sideways, etc. by the time the water was being replaced they were almost dead. Stress? at which point I placed a carbon filter in and a few hours later added 8 teaspoons of salt. After my fish started dying I researched the reviews on the Ick treatment I used, and all 11 reviews on Amazon state that this medicine killed their fish. It appears none of my fish are goint to make it. This morning there were only 2 angelfish, 4 molly, 4 guppy (guppies have not been affected).