Amazonian Biotope Sand Choice

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May 5, 2010
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Fife - Scotland
Hi all
I will shortly be taking delivery of my new 340L AquaOak tank bought from my work with uber staff discount
  Now it's going to be an Amazonian biotope tank with no plants aside from some floaters for light diffusion this is partly because im waaaay to lazy for plants these days but also its a scape I've always wanted to have.
My question is thus I want to use leaf litter in the scape but im concerned that with a light sand its going to look great for 3 or 4 weeks then really dirty I have been pondering using JBL Sansibar black but I see most of the Amazonian scape pics I've found using white or lighter sand.
Any thoughts ?
I have a playsand that is still a light natural color, but much darker than a light "sand" colored aquarium sand. Hides debris pretty well. Maybe take a look at the playsand at your local hardware store.   You should start a journal, biotypes are awesome :)  ......cories???? :hey:
I actually work in an Aquatic retailer so I may have to bust out our suppliers catalogue and revisit the sand selection play sand is a good shout

Fish Stock wise im thinking Columbian Tetras and Petitella Georgiae (False Rummynose) with someCorydoras and Geophagus Steinacheri I know the false rummynose prefer a darker substrate but I'm trying to balance that need with a nice looking tope.
I will definately start a journal though be fun to see it develop.

FishyWishie, i was spking to you in the shop wednesday. just wondering, have you still the rocket panchax in stock. think there were three?...

also, good luck with the tank!!

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