
awww, RIP. ill have some CT's ready for new homes in about a mounth or two ;)
i prefer the end result, the red and white are very attractive looking fish.
The power of the marble gene works in wonderful ways but at times is can be a horrendous result. Its really annoying using a marble gene, esp when they change in to what you wanted and are really happy with and then sods law they change again and shatter your dreams. :lol:

Is there ever a chance of the gene missing generations. In other words could you ever have a fish from a normal spawn have this geane come out of nowhere so to speak?

Is there ever a chance of the gene missing generations. In other words could you ever have a fish from a normal spawn have this geane come out of nowhere so to speak?
The thing is, is that the gene can lie dormant for ages before it becomes active. Its highly likely to be passed on to fry but may come out as different strengths of it. I like the marble gene to be honest. But yes it can miss generations and come out as a throw back gene out of the blue. The pk gene works in a similar way and appears out of the blue.
Haha that is wild! Thats why I adore marbles so much! You never know what you'll end up with. I'm really excited about the fancy marbles I have in the spawning tank right now who knows how the babies will turn out, and even the dad is still changing!
Haha that is wild! Thats why I adore marbles so much! You never know what you'll end up with. I'm really excited about the fancy marbles I have in the spawning tank right now who knows how the babies will turn out, and even the dad is still changing!


I believe that there was a nother post by a member about a marble change was there not?

the change is quite incrível
This is one of our babies that lost every bit of red in the space of about a month. I know that Wilson also had this happen recently with one of her babies too.

This is him before Xmas

And again about a month or so later

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