I'd appreciate help here too with regards to overstocking....I have a 50 litre tank with a mish mash of fish as I have lost the odd one here and there over the years. In it I have....
1 zebra danio
1 leopard danio
1 other danio (can't remember variety)
3 cardinal tetra
1 corydora
1 bristle nose catfish
2 ghost shrimp (I think they are)
3 glass catfish
Looking at that list I think I am overstocked right?! Are any of those particularly big waste producers?
1 zebra danio
1 leopard danio
1 other danio (can't remember variety)
3 cardinal tetra
1 corydora
1 bristle nose catfish
2 ghost shrimp (I think they are)
3 glass catfish
Looking at that list I think I am overstocked right?! Are any of those particularly big waste producers?