Fish Connoisseur
This is the final phase of a long term plan. It began when I started to research fish as a new fishkeeper. Back then I picked my fish based on what looked nice to me. I would look through books and sites and when I saw a picture of something I liked, I began to dig out the facts to see if i could keep it. most of the time the answer was no. And sometimes yes was not the right answer either.
Angel fish always appealed to me, but only two varieties- double dark blacks that looked like velvet and Altums. So the former I kept for a number of years and even raised a few from spawns.the other angel I coveted were Altums, a fish I felt I could not keep alive, so I never tried to keep them.
A couple of years ago I decided I was ready to give it a shot. My first 6 died teaching me I wasn't so smart. The I found a more mature pair somebody had kept and acclimated to water like mine for almost 2 years, so I pounced. They did well in my planted 45 until I shifted the heater and it was into where they over nighted. One got badly burned, I did not catch it until it was infected and lost it. The other followed a few weeks later. I think it gave up when the other went as the 2nddied without a mark on it.
But now I had the bug. These are incredible looking fish, I had seen some live in my water. So I plowed on. of the next batch i have 4 that remain after 2+ years. I have another 14 I managed to bring from about 6 weeks out of Venezuela and Colombia to doing fine 8 months later.
All they need is a proper tank.
Last summer I accumulated the sand and the manzanita part of the wood. I found a used 150 gal. tank, a couple of used Rena XP3s with a bunch of other things. I built the stands last fall (unfinished but able to hold the tanks). And then circumstances put things on hold. The tank sat empty.
I have finally been able to resume work. Tonight I ordered an in-tank slimline background and soon I will do the tank cleaning to get it ready. I will buy more wood and scour the local rock and gravel yards for things as well.
Tank 150 gal. 72x18x27inch. Internal dimensions: 71.25x17x26.625inch.
Actual max capacity of water 135 gal. Anticipated volume after substrate, decor etc. 115-120 gal.
Target pH- 6.0. TDS in the low 70 ppms. Approx mix of ro/di and tap (pH 7.1-.2 and TDS 83 ppm or lower) will be 20/80. Any pH lowering needed will be achieved via the addition of muriatic acid.
Water will be stained using catappa leaves, alder cones and rooibos tea.
Substrate is CaribSea Torpedo beach sand to a depth of approximately 2 inches.
Wood a mix of manzanita and bogwood. Rocks some slate and other to be determined.
In addition to Altums from the Rios Atabapo and Inirida I have imported rummy nose tetras (H. bleheri) and will add more to get the school to closer to 35-40. I have a few Hypancistrus contradens. The final fish will be some geos to be chosen and perhaps something in the way of a top swimming cichlidm maybe flags.
Much as it will pain me. I will likely have to sell off 5-6 of the Altums.
I will post a few pics of the tanks on the stands going in last fall, soon. I will do my best to document the process with pics along the way.
I have never done anything like this before.
Here is a video of the fish in the Atabapo. Please play it in Hi Def, and full screen for the full effect;
Angel fish always appealed to me, but only two varieties- double dark blacks that looked like velvet and Altums. So the former I kept for a number of years and even raised a few from spawns.the other angel I coveted were Altums, a fish I felt I could not keep alive, so I never tried to keep them.
A couple of years ago I decided I was ready to give it a shot. My first 6 died teaching me I wasn't so smart. The I found a more mature pair somebody had kept and acclimated to water like mine for almost 2 years, so I pounced. They did well in my planted 45 until I shifted the heater and it was into where they over nighted. One got badly burned, I did not catch it until it was infected and lost it. The other followed a few weeks later. I think it gave up when the other went as the 2nddied without a mark on it.
But now I had the bug. These are incredible looking fish, I had seen some live in my water. So I plowed on. of the next batch i have 4 that remain after 2+ years. I have another 14 I managed to bring from about 6 weeks out of Venezuela and Colombia to doing fine 8 months later.
All they need is a proper tank.
Last summer I accumulated the sand and the manzanita part of the wood. I found a used 150 gal. tank, a couple of used Rena XP3s with a bunch of other things. I built the stands last fall (unfinished but able to hold the tanks). And then circumstances put things on hold. The tank sat empty.
I have finally been able to resume work. Tonight I ordered an in-tank slimline background and soon I will do the tank cleaning to get it ready. I will buy more wood and scour the local rock and gravel yards for things as well.
Tank 150 gal. 72x18x27inch. Internal dimensions: 71.25x17x26.625inch.
Actual max capacity of water 135 gal. Anticipated volume after substrate, decor etc. 115-120 gal.
Target pH- 6.0. TDS in the low 70 ppms. Approx mix of ro/di and tap (pH 7.1-.2 and TDS 83 ppm or lower) will be 20/80. Any pH lowering needed will be achieved via the addition of muriatic acid.
Water will be stained using catappa leaves, alder cones and rooibos tea.
Substrate is CaribSea Torpedo beach sand to a depth of approximately 2 inches.
Wood a mix of manzanita and bogwood. Rocks some slate and other to be determined.
In addition to Altums from the Rios Atabapo and Inirida I have imported rummy nose tetras (H. bleheri) and will add more to get the school to closer to 35-40. I have a few Hypancistrus contradens. The final fish will be some geos to be chosen and perhaps something in the way of a top swimming cichlidm maybe flags.
Much as it will pain me. I will likely have to sell off 5-6 of the Altums.
I will post a few pics of the tanks on the stands going in last fall, soon. I will do my best to document the process with pics along the way.
I have never done anything like this before.
Here is a video of the fish in the Atabapo. Please play it in Hi Def, and full screen for the full effect;