All Pond Solutions Filter?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 7, 2014
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Hi guys. I've been thinking of running an external filter alongside the internal in my juwel trigon 190 corner tank.
I upgraded the internal pump to the 1000lph from 600ph when I first set the tank up, and the flow still wasn't as good as I hoped.
The tank has been up and running around 6 months now and I'm really happy with it, the fish are thriving ( and breeding ) and the plants are growing well, but I'd still like a bit more flow and filtration.
I don't want to spend too much as my girlfriend moans already that it's cost a fortune, so I was looking at the 1000lph APS filter with built in uv steriliser.
I just wondered if anybody has tried this filter and can give me a review of it, or suggest some other decent filters (preferably quiet ones) that are fairly cheap.

Many thanks
I've never used APS kit, as I've seen mixed reviews - some say it's really good, others have had issues with seals leaking.
FWIW, I use Aquamanta from Maidenheads, nice and quiet, been running it two years and more and had no issues. (And thanks for reminding me, I haven't cleaned it months!)
when I got my Juwel Rio240 (second hand) it came with an APS filter and I hated it. It was big and clumbersome and too heavy to move once full of water. I also broke one of the handles trying to close the lid - it felt seriously flimsy. I ordered some new handles, replaced the broken one and sold the whole thing on ebay.
I then spent the money on one of these hand. I recently upgraded it to the e901 and I run two - one in each corner.
They are super quiet, super efficient, super easy to maintain, come with a 5 year guarentee and I wouldn't have another filter given now. I talked my Dad into buying one of their internals for his little 2ft tank and he now has the same opinion. You just can't beat German engineering imo
The e901 cost me just over £100 but with the amount it's saving in electric it'll soon pay for itself
Thanks guys, think I'll give the APS filter a miss then. I'll have a look at the one you've suggested :)
Many thanks
I bought my first APS filter 6 years ago, it is still running now. All my tanks run APS filters, I love them, can't fault them at all. They are easy to clean and maintain, so easy to start up again. However like most filters they break if misused.
Akasha72 said:
when I got my Juwel Rio240 (second hand) it came with an APS filter and I hated it. It was big and clumbersome and too heavy to move once full of water. I also broke one of the handles trying to close the lid - it felt seriously flimsy. I ordered some new handles, replaced the broken one and sold the whole thing on ebay.
star4 said:
I bought my first APS filter 6 years ago, it is still running now. All my tanks run APS filters, I love them, can't fault them at all. They are easy to clean and maintain, so easy to start up again. However like most filters they break if misused.
See what I mean! :D
I think filters come down to personal choice. For me the big problem with the APS was the sheer weight of it when full of water. As a girl with a serious back problem a filter I couldn't lift to maintain was of no use to me. To a girl without a back problem who can lift heavy things it wouldn't be an issue and to a man probably no issue at all.
I think the OP needs to do a bit of research and choose a filter that feels right. Yes we can all give our opinions but they'll all differ because what works for one person doesn't work for another - such is life 
Akasha72 said:
I think filters come down to personal choice.
I think the OP needs to do a bit of research and choose a filter that feels right. Yes we can all give our opinions but they'll all differ because what works for one person doesn't work for another - such is life 
Absolutely, what suits one person may not suit another at all whatsoever.
So filters are a personal choice, there are so many choices out there.
I'd recommend you to go to a few LFS's and see what they store, pick up filter, have a look, see inside, what do you feel about the quality, weight, prices, what is included i.e media, hoses and attachments etc etc
Then you have a better idea of what you would like.
APS hav mixed reviews and opinions as TLM already mentioned, personally i don't like the feel of the plastic and quality of build though they are well priced.
I like Eheim filters as well as Fluval. More expensive but beter feel for quaility as well as ease of access to filter media but thats just me.
star4 said:
I bought my first APS filter 6 years ago, it is still running now. All my tanks run APS filters, I love them, can't fault them at all. They are easy to clean and maintain, so easy to start up again. However like most filters they break if misused.
 Lesley OMG! :D :D :D
To add my own experience to the OP;
I bought myself an APS (may have been recommended by lesley here too!) about 3 years ago. Initially fantastic. Affordable, pretty sleek and did the job a treat. It soon started to go downhill the more i lived with it. I still have it, although i'm changing as soon as i get a chance to. Its is heavy as mentioned, and trying to inch it in/out of the cupboard for cleaning is a massive chore. I broke the clip for the very bottom inner tray, luckily its the very bottom one so it doesn't actually have to come out. It would be easier if it did, but its broke and now wedged in. Thats by the by though IMO, as it broke very easily about 6 months into having the filter. Its not all that quiet either tbh, even inside the cabinet i can hear it louder than i can a Fluval 205 i've had running for about 8 years now which is outside the cupboard. The u-bends that hold the tubing in place over the top of the tank are cheap and nasty, you can see clearly its two half pieces of candy shaped drain pipes glued together - i'm just waiting for the day they leak! When you want to stop the filter there isnt a cut off valve to stop drips, it sort of does but doesn't. In the same sense a lot of modern cars these days have electric handbrakes, you know it has one but your never quite sure its engaged without the old trusty lever to pull up, right?
For the price, which when i bought one was very very competitive for a similar sized filter by Fluval or Eheim, they are great value for money. Worth it in that sense. I personally shall not be buying another one again in a rush. Fluval externals for me are just too good to turn down, IMO.
James :) I was thinking about you the other day. Hope your well.
I've blown up one APS filter (my own fault I let it suck up some air and burned the motor). Nice enough piece of kit, remember to overpower them a bit as they're not wonderful for the flow rate that they sell as once they're full of media.
Apart from agreeing with pretty much everything above I would counsel people to consider the electricity bill with some of these filters. They'll run 24/7 hopefully so those slightly higher wattages on some filters can ramp up to considerably annual costs, leaving an economical but expensive beastie paying for itself in 18 months or so. Last I looked APS were high energy users, but there are some other surprisingly power hungry filters out there.
Thanks for all of your posts guys. Seems like mixed reviews but straying towards staying away from APS.
I've looked at the fluval 206, it looks like a decent filter. Thinking of getting one for my trigon and eventually another for my 120l tank I want to use for a breeding project
Just an update. I went for the fluval 206 in the end.
I must say this filter runs almost silent, and when inside my cabinet cannot be heard at all!
I'm impressed with it so far, my water is remarkably clear with this filter running alongside my internal.
My next bit of kit will be the spray bar for it, i want to fit it just under the water surface on the left side of the tank, and aim it just up a bit to the surface and flowing across the front of the tank for better flow.
Excellent, happy it worked out for you, I do like these Fluval filters myself, think fairly decent value
(esp when on sale

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