Algae is building up on my tank walls in new 5 gallon

Find another fishkeeper, or donate to your LFS.

No tetras belong in a 5.5G tank, long term. And all tetras need to be in groups of 6, more preferably.
Ok, I'll do that.
Find another fishkeeper, or donate to your LFS.

No tetras belong in a 5.5G tank, long term. And all tetras need to be in groups of 6, more preferably.
Yes, donate to your local fish store. Get a nerite and a betta. That's what I have in that same exact tank and it works great. It doesn't look like you really have an algae problem at all from the pictures by the way.
Quick update:
There are photos of the 'ruby tetras' in this thread
and they look like Boraras maculatus
Wow, a newword going down in forum history
Try to clean the ilter a bit or add more placed for bacteria to live ike rocks. Diatoms or brown algae can be remved by a small cloth or just an algae snaaprrf .
My spelling kight be bad im on a phone :0
Get a scraper for such ansmall tank, and use it to scrape the qlgse off and turk filter off whne you are dign it. Or it will spreqd and poor old ramshorn will not br able to eat so much algae (yes rams do help)
Try balanxing the tank, with more plants or things to sap up the energy so it is jot used for algers
Wow, a newword going down in forum history
Try to clean the ilter a bit or add more placed for bacteria to live ike rocks. Diatoms or brown algae can be remved by a small cloth or just an algae snaaprrf .
My spelling kight be bad im on a phone :0
Get a scraper for such ansmall tank, and use it to scrape the qlgse off and turk filter off whne you are dign it. Or it will spreqd and poor old ramshorn will not br able to eat so much algae (yes rams do help)
Try balanxing the tank, with more plants or things to sap up the energy so it is jot used for algers

wow that is some BUTCHERED spellubg right there

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