Algae for food


New Member
Apr 24, 2003
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England, UK
I try to keep my tank glass algae free but I cant reach the stuff on the top of the heater and the submerged heater cable. I have a heavily planted tank and I noticed that after I added my weekly dose of liquid plant food that all the fish shortly gathered around the heater.

I have now identified what is going on, when I 'feed' the plants I also 'feed' the nice fresh green algae on the heater cable - it goes a really bright, almost luminous green, the fish all seem to like to eat this especially the red tailed shark.

I wont be trying to remove that algae in future.
My Platies and Honey Gouramis do the same. I have five of the little critters and they see this as christmas come early. Its good fun to watch, especially if the male gourami starts butting everything in sight to get at the algae :lol: :lol:

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