

Retired Moderator
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Tank of the Month 🏆
Jun 15, 2009
Reaction score
East Yorks
Hi just seen these on the Pier Aquatics blog and it looks like quite an interesting family of catfish but not a great deal of information on them around the web just planet catfish.

Obviously some of them grow massive but there are some really nice species that get around 4/5 inches but I think they are quite rare. So yeah any info at all would be great :)

Also does anyone know of anywhere else that has them in stock?

I've had 3 of Ageneiosus sp(3) from Wildwoods, sadly lost all my big cats, but these are quite active and at around 8" fully grown, great for tanks 18"+ in width. They do come up for sale occaisionally, I've seen juvenile A.marmoratus for sale too, but the adult size on these of 12" makes them only suitable for large tanks.
They are predatory, but will only eat fish that they can fit in their mouth in one go, so can be kept with only slightly larger fish, or deeper bodied.
Ah MartinS THE source for any imposibley rare catfish I can think of haha :D

Thanks for that - how small would you keep with them - my smallest fish are Lemon Tetras would they be large enough as adults (feels like a stupid question now Ive asked it but worth a shot)

I really don't know that much, but thanks :blush:
I'd say congo tetras would be the smallest I'd risk with them as (around 4"+), you may get away with lemons, but I'd not be surprised if they became snacks. If the tank is laid out with roots and some plants, and without too bright lighting, you should see them cruising during the day, which is a real plus!
Not that much! I have frankly insane requirements of rarity in fish and so far every one you have had major input haha! I actually believe you are planetcatfish :p

For a while now I have had a list or requirements that are

*Must not get too big (ie 8 inches max)
*Must be from South or Central America
*Must be quite attractive
*Must be an active fish in daylight
*Must do well in low numbers or as singletons
*Must not be too predatory

And these really do tick quite a lot of these boxes :) especially the sp.Blue I saw the other day - bit of a tough call to be honest. I have been promised a trip to Pier Aquatics soon so I will bet money I will get some catfish there ;)

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