Advice, tips, and question!


New Member
Jul 1, 2023
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I have 8 ember tetras, 1 cherry shrimp, 3 Beckfords pencilfish.
Parameters are:
26 Celsius
0 ppm nitrite
10 ppm nitrate
0 ppm ammonia
6.4 pH
Today i added water lettuce to the tank, the embers are more active but always swims at the front, is that normal?

What can i add to the tank (Plants, Fish, Inverts, etc)?
Why are my "Embers" so scared of me?


Great looking nano tank. You should enter it in our September Tank of the Month contest which will feature 16 gallon and smaller tanks.
My embers became a lot more active and visible after I added more floating plants. It was astonishing the difference it made. Almost as if they were different fish.
My embers became a lot more active and visible after I added more floating plants. It was astonishing the difference it made. Almost as if they were different fish.
I think my filter flow is too strong
I think its 300 liters / hour
And i cant reduce it
My filter is with the aquarium Newa More 50w
I think my filter flow is too strong
I think its 300 liters / hour
And i cant reduce it
My filter is with the aquarium Newa More 50w
Are you able to baffle it with a sponge?
330 litre/hour is 87 gallons/hour. In an 11 gallon tank, that's 8 times tank volume per hour which is a lot. Half that flow would be better. I do understand that the structure of the filter means you can't use the usual methods of reducing flow.

The quarter circle black thing over the tank contains the filter, heater and light. Is it possible to turn the heater and filter off separately or are they both automatically on when the mains is plugged in? What I'm thinking is that if you could turn the filter alone off, you could use a different filter while leaving the heater and light active.
330 litre/hour is 87 gallons/hour. In an 11 gallon tank, that's 8 times tank volume per hour which is a lot. Half that flow would be better. I do understand that the structure of the filter means you can't use the usual methods of reducing flow.

The quarter circle black thing over the tank contains the filter, heater and light. Is it possible to turn the heater and filter off separately or are they both automatically on when the mains is plugged in? What I'm thinking is that if you could turn the filter alone off, you could use a different filter while leaving the heater and light active.
Yes, its different plugs.
Is there such a thing as making an electrical appliance work less powerfully?
I dont want to buy another filter...
I have no idea about making things work less powerfully, I'm afraid.

I often wonder why manufacturers put such powerful filters in small tanks. I once bought a small tank for a betta but the filter which came with it would have kept the betta flattened against the opposite wall :(
330 litre/hour is 87 gallons/hour. In an 11 gallon tank, that's 8 times tank volume per hour which is a lot. Half that flow would be better. I do understand that the structure of the filter means you can't use the usual methods of reducing flow.

The quarter circle black thing over the tank contains the filter, heater and light. Is it possible to turn the heater and filter off separately or are they both automatically on when the mains is plugged in? What I'm thinking is that if you could turn the filter alone off, you could use a different filter while leaving the heater and light active.
I put a cut cup on to it.
It doesnt let me put the video in, how can i send it to you? You havediscord or smth?


  • 20230708_140514.jpg
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You need to upload videos to YouTube or similar sites and post the link on here.

Yes, fixing something under the filter outflow should reduce the water flow through the tank, though it may not look pretty.
You need to upload videos to YouTube or similar sites and post the link on here.

Yes, fixing something under the filter outflow should reduce the water flow through the tank, though it may not look pretty.
Heres a vid

I put a filter sponge now too... lets see
What can i add to the tank (Plants, Fish, Inverts, etc)?
Why are my "Embers" so scared of me?
It's a small tank, you could increase the group size of the embers and cherry shrimp to 12 of each species but there isn't room for much else. Maybe a nerite snail? An anubias or tiger lotus plant?
As already covered, Embers love shade. Let the water lettuce (or lotus) cover the surface and they will be more visible.

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