Adf And Triops In A 1.5 Gal.


Always Watching
Aug 29, 2005
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Hudson, Wisconsin USA
I have a 1.5gal hex tank that a friend just gave me. I won't put a betta in any tank less than 2 gal. So, would it be OK to put 2 ADF and a few triops in? the tank has a UGF that is powered by a air pump, and it would get water changes about every week.
No filter is better, yes that would be fine, also betas have been seen in smaller boddies of water in the wild.
Having watched my triops murder and eat each other im not sure the frogs would be safe.
Yes, i wouldn't recommend it. Although the frogs are pretty bad at catching live food(or pellets for that matter), there's a chance the frogs will eat the baby triops.
And if you added big triops, they could eat the frogs.

Oh and if you go for the triops, it would be better to switch the UGF for a cheap air powered sponge filter :).
the water has to be heated for frogs to live happily in, triops and ADF could pose a problem if kept together.also, opcn, not to be rude, but in the wild, bettas live in HUGE amounts of water, they are just very shallow, sometimes only a few cm deep in the summer time. but saying that, you do hear of people keeping bettas in very small volumes of water, personaly i would only go as small as 5 gallons, back to the questions, i would chose either frogs or triops
Well, I've decided not to fill the tank. Cuz I wasn't really sure if i wanted another tank or not and when I asked my mom which she liked best the ADF or triops. Her reply was, "just because you have a tank you don't need to fill it". So, I will hang onto it and propbabley stock it in collage :rolleyes: .

Now I'm wondering if triops or ADF could go in my 20gal. high Planted tank. I'm planing on stocking it with 7 threadfin rainbows, 5 sparkling gouramis, 2 ottos, and some cherry shrimp.

Any Ideas?
A tall tank may not be the best idea for ADFs since they have to break cover to grab some air.
Well, I've decided not to fill the tank. Cuz I wasn't really sure if i wanted another tank or not and when I asked my mom which she liked best the ADF or triops. Her reply was, "just because you have a tank you don't need to fill it". So, I will hang onto it and propbabley stock it in collage :rolleyes: .

Now I'm wondering if triops or ADF could go in my 20gal. high Planted tank. I'm planing on stocking it with 7 threadfin rainbows, 5 sparkling gouramis, 2 ottos, and some cherry shrimp.

Any Ideas?
Same issue with the triops, they will be eaten by the fish and possibly frogs when they are very small, and when they grow bigger they defiantly eat your plants, plus all the other inhabitants if they have the chance.
The ottos are the ones at the most risk, because they tend to sit still for long periods of time the triops wouldn't have any trouble 'catching' them. Triops aren't evolved to eat fish, but the fact that they are on the 'hunt' 24 hours (they don't sleep) means that even the active fish that would normally avoid them are at risk during the night.

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