Adding Fish


New Member
May 11, 2003
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I have a 26 gallon tank that currently has 6 fish in it. I have 4 zebra danios and 2 balloon mollies. I ran the tank without fish for about 2 weeks because I knew I was going on vacation. Then I added the 4 zebras. My water checked out fine 2 weeks later, so I got the 2 mollies and so far everything is going well. I'm trying to figure out what to add next. I'm sure that question gets asked all the time. I was thinking maybe some platys or swordtails?! I'd like something colorful. I do have a couple questions about other fish that I like, but am figuring will not work in my tank. But maybe someone could tell me if either of them would work with the mollies and danios in a 26 gallon tank.
I have absolutely fallen in love with angelfish, but from everything I've read they need a bigger tank than what I have? Does anyone think I could put one in my my tank? If so, would that be the only other fish I could put in there. I definately don't want to overcrowd. I've also heard that they can be agressive.....will they eat the balloon mollies or the danios? LOL I think the danios would be too fast to be eaten.
The other fish I was wondering about, if an angelfish won't work was a redtail shark. How agressive are they? If I only put one is my tank big enough? Again I'm thinking it is not...but I guess it doesn't hurt to ask.
Oh and I did add some salt to my water, cuz I was told the mollies like it and the zebras were fine in it also.......I was also told that most community fish were fine with a small amount of salt. Do angelfish or retail sharks tolerate salt? What about platys or swordtails?
Other fish suggestions are always welcome :D

Hi Lisa,

I'm not sure on the redtail , but I wouldn't add an angel...they really need their space.. the salt in the tank as long as it's not alot will be okay...several of us here add salt to our tanks with good results.. Although now I don't add the salt to my 55 gal. because I have tetra's and they are sometimes bothered by the salt..
How about a school of neon's or glowlight tetra's ( a school of 10) is really pretty neat to watch..

Good Luck & hopefully I have helped a wee bit until the major experts come to your aid.. :D
The Red-tail would be fine in a community tank like yours, just don't put two of them in one tank. :no: They will socialize with the other fish, but do like their own territory. They like a lot of hiding spots, and may stake one out as their own. I have a red-tail and his best friend is my blue gourami, but for some reason he hates the chinese algae eater. But yea...the red tail would most likely be fine. (When they grow, though, he might eat smaller fish.) :) Hope this helps! :)
in my experience red tails hate all alge eaters was a running battle between lepord plec and red tailed had to set a boundary with a bit of bogwood
that's wierd, my rtb shark is like best friend with my bronze cory mayby they both swim at the bottom?
Kevin...I am thinking...are you trying to reply to every thread on this board? ;)

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