adding aeration to tropical 200 litre tank


New Member
Feb 3, 2021
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Hastings UK
please advise - I've had this size for 6 months, upsized after 3 years with 80 litre, so naturally, i bought a few more tank mates from sociable categories at local aquarium shops in UK. sadly i lost 2 baby plecs and 3 corydoras (albino, one young, two from the previous tank ) all around xmas time. All my water levels check out ok, i have plants and bogwood.. weekly 20litre change and Fluval F3 external filter ( with carbon )... fish shops were perplexed.. no other species passed. I have Large African shrimp and 4 others that are so docile . what could it be in a 200 litre tank effecting newly introduced imported baby plecs and Corys - is it to do to with their unusual armoring makes them more sensitive ? there is now algae bloom on glass,,, and like i say 2 albino corys from the smaller tank lived here for 6monhts, after over one year in my keeping. I went local where i b0ught them from and one pet shop suggested extra aeration could be needed - I have a bubble stone strip on tank floor and wide spray bar beneath the water surface all holes are fucntioning .
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They do make some that are meant for inside tanks... I believe some are in that link I gave you. (Most are quit noisy though. :rolleyes: )
Yes, it’s perfectly ok to put a filter with my media in the tank, for added aeration. (Do you have a filter with media in that tank?)
currently, i am using a larger Fluval F3 external ( in the cabinet below ) filter
I took my smaller fluval U3 out after a month of tank setup... but its clean ( was going to sell it ) so can put in back inside for aerating pueposes - should i leave out the sponge filters and carbon as this is being performed by the big one under the tank. thank you
You can leave them the sponge/carbon in if you like. Having more filter action could never harm anything...

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