Add A Sorority To Which Tank....?


Resurrecting the Passion of Fishkeeping
Nov 12, 2009
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I have been wanting to add a sorority to my set ups...which would accommodate one best?

1) 72 gallon discus tank with juvenile angel, sterbai corydoras, threadfin rainbows, and sparkling gouramis. (currently has a male betta who will be move to another tank if this tank is decided a best fit)

2) 20 gallon long ADF tank with 1 male guppy

3) 10 gallon tank, no inhabitants. I have a water bridge that can be used to connect two 10 gallons together.

What do you think? And how many females?
Here is what the two 10 gallons connected with the bridge would look like.
Obviously decorated differently!

I'd use the 20. Put the guppy in the 10 gallon (an perhaps get him some friends) and add 7-9 bettas to the 20. You should keep an eye on the ADFs to make sure they are eating. Bettas are piggies and will most likely steal the food of the frogs. They might also nip at the frogs. If they get too aggressive, move the frogs to the 10 gallon with the guppy.
I would move the ADF and guppy to the 10 gallons. Guppies are bad to get picked on by bettas and ADFs do not make good tankmates with bettas because they normally will starve since the bettas will get the food first.  The sorority would be best in the 20 gallon by themselves.  I would add around 10-12 female bettas, lots of plants and lots of decorations/hides in there for them.  This comes from personal experience with all the situations mentioned above.  Can't wait to see pics.  Oh and that water bridge is really cool.  You should be able to add a couple more guppies to the 10 gallon setup or some other small fish that will use the bridge.
I already have the frogs and in the 20 gallon there are 10 ADF, too many for the 10 gallons and I would be hesitant to use the bridge with ADF due to drowning risks.

I am leaning towards the two 10 gallons with bridge for the sorority. I am thinking of decorating each side differently with numerous hiding spots/caves for the females.
I didn't realize you had that many ADFs when I chose the way I did.  LOL  That is really cool that you have that many as I don't know of anyone else that has that many.  With that current stocking in mind, I agree with you about using the two 10 gallons for the sorority.   Watch the water bridge and make sure they are not getting hung up in it(bettas will drown with no access to surface air).  I would still go with about 10-12 females and lots of plants and decor.  Now I really can't wait to see how this turns out.  :D

Hubby has thrown an itty bitty wrench into the mix now....he suggests using the two 10 gallons and setting my sparkling gouramis up in them to see if I can get them to breed....

Very tempting....suggestions?
Hmm that is another good possibility for those 10 gallons but I am partial to bettas so I would always lean toward the sorority.  ;)  If you do end up using it for the gourmani, the water bridge is the same issue to watch for.  Since gourmani are surface breathers like bettas, they can drown if caught in the water bridge so just watch that.   
I can leave a bit of air in the top of the bridge so that is not a worry.

I am just trying to figure out which way to go...
LOL  You can always see if you can "squeeze" one more 10 gallon into the house so you can do both.  ;)   
Lol right now I have a 72 gallon, a 26 gallon, a 20 long, and 6 ten gallons set up (4 of these have angelfry). If I add any more I think my hubby would kill me!
"snicker"  yep I understand where you are coming from.  My husband hates the hobby so my tanks bug him quite a bit.   You could do both but not connect the 2 10 gallons.  Have the sorority (with a smaller amount of female bettas of course) in one of the 10 gallons and the gourmanis in the other 10 gallon.  :D
Decisions decisions.....

I'm stumped.

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