

New Member
Feb 10, 2002
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Has anybody produced a list of acronyms that people use on this site i.e. LFS=local fish shop, I still can't work out what some of them mean ?S.
Well, I'm still not sure on all of them myself, but here I go...

ADF: African Dwarf Frog

ACF: African Clawed Frog (never ever get these confused, it's like confusing a grown cat with a grown tiger...)

DP: Dwarf Puffer

Apisto: Apistogramma (I think I spelled that right) A group of dwarf cichlids.

(sp): Means that a person isn't sure of the spelling, so bear with them lol.

BBS: Baby Brine Shrimp

TFF: Tropical Fish Forum lol

That's all I can think of now, those are the ones I see most often.
SAE = Siamese Algea Eater - a lovely fish that eats alge, not to be confused with CAE which is a Chinese Algea Eater that sometimes grows into a nasty fish with tendencies to suck on other slow movers.
Thanks for posting that link One_Trick_Pony. I dont know how to do things like that on my comp.

:fish: :fish: :fish: :fish: :fish:

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