A Quarantine... Bucket?


Fish Herder
Pet of the Month 🎖️
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jul 14, 2020
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Washington State, USA
Instead of using a glass tank, could I possibly get a bucket to qt incoming or sick fish? One I could pull out when needed and just seed the filter with gravel and sponge media from an established filter. I am thinking a rectangular 5 gallon (or so) container I can store in the closet when not in use. I was digging around on Youtube and came upon this. What do you guys think?
I use a 9 gallon plastic rectangular tote. It's very lightweight. You can buy them pretty cheaply. I add a heater and sponge filter from a running tank ( I use a secondary HOB filters in the my tanks.)
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I use a 12 gallon plastic tote from walmart
Yay! Not that my query was motivated by the wild type betta I saw online or anything, lol.
Sure it doesn't!

Ive currently got my 20 gallon tote set up as a baby goldfish "pond" until they need an upgrade haha but ive used it for baby platies. And I got a 4 gallon I use for cories and sparkling gourami fry...
I keep looking at goldfish. Might get one once I get rid of all my guppy females.
You can use almost anything for a QT tank or temporary holding tank as long as it is watertight, and can hold small water pump / filter and heater, don’t worry about a light at this stage, fish could not care less about lights really.

Plastic containers, large tubs, large buckets, rubbermaid totes and of course spare fish tanks are all things I’ve heard being used as qt or holding tanks as long as they are clean and the plastic is food safe which ensure nothing nasty will leach into the water after a while.

It is worth getting separate cleaning kit and tank equipment for a qt / holding tank as to avoid cross contamination between this and your main tanks.

Common sense really but not unheard of for keepers to do this as it is not always obvious.
You can use almost anything for a QT tank or temporary holding tank as long as it is watertight, and can hold small water pump / filter and heater, don’t worry about a light at this stage, fish could not care less about lights really.

Plastic containers, large tubs, large buckets, rubbermaid totes and of course spare fish tanks are all things I’ve heard being used as qt or holding tanks as long as they are clean and the plastic is food safe which ensure nothing nasty will leach into the water after a while.

It is worth getting separate cleaning kit and tank equipment for a qt / holding tank as to avoid cross contamination between this and your main tanks.

Common sense really but not unheard of for keepers to do this as it is not always obvious.
Already have separate cleaning stuff and it has its own net and what not. Although I have been using the same water siphon for a couple of weeks, since my mother broke my main one. She offered to do my tanks when I was recovering from dental surgery, and sedated me thought this was a good idea. I have another one (hopefully more durable) coming in the mail. Just a couple more days.

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